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In the meantime, keep reading to take advantage of a special one time offer just for you! In the next 20 minutes you can give your planning process a super awesome upgrade an add our...

Want to organize your Holiday digitally? Don't miss this special one-time offer!




Digital Holiday Planner Spreadsheets


Digitally track your holiday budget, manage your gift and Christmas card lists, plan your holiday parties and menus and much much more!

The only holiday planner you will EVER need! (It Really Is!)

just imagine how you would feel if you could...

"I love this planner... I began using many of your tips in October. It just makes sense for me to follow a plan. Thank you" - Susan -

Digital Holiday Planner Sheets

This is your key to happier holidays!

For a limited time get our super amazing Holiday Planner Digital Spreadsheet for just $23 (a $47 value)

Hi! I'm Mellissa.

Like you, I wear many hats every single day.

I am a wife, mother of four kids, teacher of young adults with special needs, small business owner, blogger, library board member, music leader and teacher of 5 year olds at my church, and cat lady (ok I”m not a cat lady, but we have 3 cats) 

Life can be super busy with work, after school activities, service opportunities, homework, and housework. 

It becomes even more difficult to stay on top of everything during the holiday season.  Things feel overwhelming and sometimes, you may be feeling a little like the Grinch. 

This digital holiday planner will guide you through the holidays with ease. When you follow along with the checklists and use the tabs that include a budget, party planner, travel planner, menu planner, Christmas card list, Black Friday and Cyber Monday planner, and more, you will easily glide through the holidays with peace, and relaxation.  

I have done it and I know you can too. 

All the tools you need to make your holidays the merriest yet

The total Package

novice ready

time saver

From shopping lists, our step by step plan of action with checklists, and party planner, our Digital Holiday Planner has everything you need.

If you are new to holiday planning, our Digital Holiday Planner will guide you through each week of the holiday season with ease.

With these checklists, menus, shopping lists, calendar, travel planner, and budget, you will be able to handle every holiday tasks with a calm heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is inside of the Beehive Connections Digital Holiday Planner Spreadsheet?

how will I know the Digital Holiday Planner Spreadsheet is right for me?

You will receive a digital copy of our super helpful Digital Holiday Planner Spreadsheets which you can use to plan out every detail of the holiday season. This includes family fun ideas for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It also includes menus, shopping lists, travel planning and so much more.

This comprehensive system can be used on Excel and Pages and Google Sheets and comes completely formatted and ready to use. 

Here is what is included: 

Our Holiday Digital Planner Spreadsheet is to get you organized and stay that way for the entire season.  The easy to use digital format that you can update and add to every year. 

It is perfect for anyone who loves digital planners and for people who like to take the planner on the go using it on an Ipad, or other digital device. 

It is perfect for people who don’t want to waste paper by printing out dozens of sheets of paper every single year. It is perfect for those who want to keep track of their Christmas card list on a spreadsheet so it can be easily updated every year. 

It probably isn’t for anyone who prefers paper planners over digital planners and for people who like to write on paper over using tabs, and typing in the information.

It probably isn’t for you if you have never used a spreadsheet or are comfortable using spreadsheet software like Excel, Pages or Google sheet.

Can I add or update the Holiday Digital Planner Spreadsheet?

By all means! Go for it. 🙂 As you know, with any digital spreadsheet, you can add, or duplicate a tab or customize it to fit you and your family’s needs. 

What kind of software or program do i need?

Our Holiday Digital Planner Spreadsheet can be downloaded, opened and used with Excel, Pages and Google Sheets. 

What is the cost of your holiday Digital Planning spreadsheet?

You get our amazingly awesome Holiday Digital Planner Spreadsheet during this special offer for only $23. Which is normally $47 

how will I get my spreadsheets?

Your Holiday Planner Digital Spreadsheets will be emailed to you upon purchase.  You can them immediately use and enjoy them.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

For a limited time get our super amazing Holiday Planner Digital Spreadsheet for just $23 (a $47 value) Simply Click the button below for instant access.

Get your Holiday Planning Spreadsheets Before your time runs out



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