The THINK Method with Printable
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If you haven’t heard of the THINK Method, it is OK. You haven’t been living under a rock. Most people have no clue what it is, especially if they are not an educator.
The good news is, that you will learn what the THINK Method is right now. Who said you don’t learn something new everyday.
I have also provided a FREE printable of the THINK Method to hang up in a place like your refrigerator or bathroom mirror where you can see it and review it often.
It is a particularly helpful reminder for those kiddos in your life who like to gossip or tattle on everyone about everything. You have heard similar rants, “Mom, Josse touched my shoulder.” or “Mom, Keaton is being a big jerk to me.”
When your child says something rude or unkind, no matter how funny it is, you can remind them of the THINK Method.
Before we act or speak we must Think……
T – Is it True?
H – Is it Helpful?
I – Is it Inspiring?
N – Is it Necessary?
K – Is it Kind?

If the answer is “no” to any of those questions, it is a good idea to either reword the sentence that is so desperately trying to come out of your mouth to make sure the answer is “yes” or not say anything at all.
Some situations are easy to handle. If a child is treating a friend or sibling unkind, you can talk them through the THINK Method and let them figure it out.
GET THE FREE THINK Method Printable Here!
Even in the most difficult situations, this method can be used to help everyone involved. Let’s do a little role playing using the THINK Method under difficult circumstances.
A neighbor, John walks into your house for dinner. He stinks like mold in an antique store. Your feel like you may choke on the stench. You want to tell him that he stinks. You ask yourself:
Is it True? Yep.
Is it Helpful? Possibly.
Is it Inspiring? Probably not.
Is it Necessary? Maybe. Sometimes it is important to let people know that they are melting the hairs in your nose.
Is it Kind? Probably not
So what would you say? If John is a good friend and usually smells as clean as spring after it rains, then perhaps you could let it go? Would you pull his aside and not make a big deal out of it, but let him know that he can a shower?
What if John is a stranger and came with one of your friends to dinner. Would you ignore it? If you don’t know John, then would it be best not to say anything?
What if John was your son? What if he brought a friend home with him for dinner. Would you take him aside and let him know in the kindest way that he could use some deodorant?
There isn’t really a right or wrong way to handle the situation if you use the THINK Method.
Perhaps you can introduce the THINK method in a family meeting and do some roll playing of your own. It can be fun coming up with different scenarios as a family.
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