A Young Adult’s Guide: How to Move Out of Your Parent’s House

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Moving out of parent's house girl packing up to move
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

How to Move Out of Your Paren’ts House?

Are you feeling antsy, cramped, and overall just ready to spread your wings? It may be time for you to move out of your parents’ house. But before you go tethered into the unknown on your own, here are some tips to help make the process a bit smoother. Happy flying!

Have a Plan for How to Move out of Your Parent’s House

The first step in moving out of your parents’ house is to establish a move-out date. This will give you a specific goal to work towards and will help to make the transition smoother for everyone involved. Once you have a date in mind, start making plans for where you will live, how you will support yourself financially, and what you will need to do to get your own place ready.

Plan for moving out of your parent's house white paper with note
Photo by Bich Tran on Pexels.com

Decide what type of property you want to move into. If you have a budget, then it will be easier to know what type of property you can afford. Do you want your own apartment, or are you open to living with roommates? Are you planning on living in student housing? Each has their own set of challenges, but also benefits. Look at each type of property and see what is doable financially, emotionally etc.

Talk to Your Parents About Moving Out of Their House

You might be surprised to know that your parents are actually way more open to the idea of you moving out than you think. The key is to approach the conversation being prepared for your parents to ask you a lot of questions. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

talking to parents how to move out of your parent's house

1. Talk about your plans and what you’re hoping to accomplish by moving out.

2. Reassure your parents that you’re still going to stay in touch and visit often.

3. Prove that you’re responsible by outlining your budget and how you plan to support yourself financially.

4. Thank your parents for all they’ve done for you over the years.

5. Promise to keep the lines of communication open so you can still ask for their advice (even if you don’t always take it!).

With a little bit of preparation and a whole lot of respect, talking to your parents about moving out doesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems. Who knows, they might even be happy to see you finally taking this big step!

Start Establishing Good Credit to Fly the Coop!

One of the most important things you need to do when you’re ready to move out of your parents’ house is to establish good credit. This will come in handy when you’re ready to purchase your first home. There are a few things you can do to help build your credit, such as paying your bills on time and maintaining a good credit score.

how to move out of your parent's house calculator and notepad placed on usa dollars stack
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

What Does Your Credit History Mean for Renting an Apartment

It’s no secret that your credit score is important. It can affect everything from whether you’re approved for a credit card to the interest rate you’re offered on a loan. But did you know that your credit score can also come into play when you’re looking for a place to rent an apartment?

That’s right – more and more landlords are running credit checks on potential tenants as part of the application process. And if your credit score is low, it could stand in the way of you getting the apartment you want.

But why do landlords care about your credit score? And what can you do to improve your chances of renting an apartment with bad credit? Here’s what you need to know.

Why Do Landlords Care About Your Credit Score?

There are a few reasons why landlords might be interested in your credit score. For one, a low credit score could be an indication that you’re not good at managing your finances. Maybe you have too much credit card debt. Your monthly income is less than living expenses like student loan debt, credit card debt, and car insurance payments.

crop businessman giving contract to woman to sign
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

And if you’re not good at managing your own finances, the thinking goes, you’re not going to be good at paying your rent on time, either.

Landlords might also see a low credit score as an indication that you’re a higher risk tenant. That means they could be worried about whether you’ll actually follow through and pay your rent every month – or if you’ll end up skipping out and leaving them high and dry.

Of course, just because you have bad credit doesn’t mean you’re a bad tenant. There are plenty of people with great credit who end up being terrible tenants – and there are plenty of people with bad credit who are always on time with their rent and take good care of their apartments.

But landlords don’t always see it that way. They often assume that a good credit score equals a good tenant – and a bad credit score equals a bad tenant. So if your credit score is low, you might have a harder time renting the apartment you want.

How to Establish Good Credit if You Have Not Credit Yet?

1. Check your credit score and get a credit report.

2. Find a secured credit card or become an authorized user on someone else’s credit card.

3. Get a small loan from a family member or friend.

4. Use a credit-builder loan to establish credit history.

5. Pay your bills on time and keep balances low on revolving accounts.

6. Apply for a credit card with a low limit and make small charges.

7. Avoid using your credit card for cash advances.

8. Set up automatic payments to ensure timely payments.

9. Check your credit report regularly to monitor your progress.

10. Use credit wisely and avoid opening too many accounts.

Start Saving Money to Move Out of Your Parent’s House

It takes time and patience to save money on a tight budget so that you can move out of your parents house. Here are some tips on saving money so that you can fly the coop. You will need money for a security deposit, a down payment, first and last month’s rent.

person putting coin in a piggy bank
Photo by maitree rimthong on Pexels.com

1. Start saving as soon as possible – The sooner you start saving, the better. Try to put away a little bit of money each month so that you have a nest egg to tap into when it’s time to move out. There are Money saving apps that give great advice on saving money on a small budget.

2. Make a budget – In order to save effectively, you need to know where your money is going. Track your spending for a month or two so that you can identify areas where you can cut back.

3. Cut unnecessary expenses – Once you know where your money is going, it will be easier to identify expenses that are unnecessary. Eliminating these expenses will free up more money for saving. You may want to consider changing your spending habits. Now that you are moving out of your parent’s house, you won’t have the funds to spend willy nilly like you did before.

4. Find creative ways to save – There are many creative ways to save money. For example, you could start a side hustle to earn extra income or look for ways to cut costs on your existing expenses.

5. Automate your savings – One of the best ways to ensure that you save regularly is to automate the process. Set up a direct deposit from your paycheck into your savings account so that you never even see the money and it’s less tempting to spend.

6. Set a goal – Having a specific goal in mind will help you stay motivated to save. Determine how much money you need to have saved in order to feel comfortable moving out and then work towards that goal.

7. Make it a priority – In order to reach your goal, you need to make saving a priority. This means that you may have to make sacrifices in other areas of your life in order to free up more money for savings.

8. Be patient – It can take time to save enough money to move out.

Budget for Expenses for After You Have Moved Out of Your Parent’s House

When you move out of your parents’ house, you’re finally free from their rules and curfew. But with that freedom comes a lot of responsibility -including budgeting for all of your new expenses, and an emergency fund, . Here are 10 simple steps to help you create a budget for your post-parental home:

counting dollar bills
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

1. Determine your income. This is the first and most important step in creating any budget. You need to know how much money you have coming in every month, whether it be from a job, government benefits, or investments.

2. Calculate your fixed expenses. These living expenses are the costs that stay the same every month, such as rent, car payments, and insurance.

3. Determine your variable expenses. These are the costs that can fluctuate from month to month, such as groceries, utilities, and entertainment.

4. Figure out your debt payments. If you have any outstanding loans or credit card balances, you’ll need to include these in your budget.

5. Make a savings plan. It’s important to have some money set aside for emergencies, so be sure to include a savings goal in your budget.

6. Track your spending. Once you’ve created your budget, it’s crucial to stick to it. The best way to do this is by tracking your spending and comparing it to your budget on a regular basis.

7. Make adjustments as needed. If you find that you’re consistently overspending in certain areas, make changes to your budget accordingly.

8. Stay disciplined. It can be tempting to blow your budget on nights out or new clothes, but it’s important to resist these temptations and stick to your plan.

9. Reward yourself. If you stay within your budget for a certain period of time, give yourself a small reward to keep up the good work.

10. Get help if needed. If you’re struggling to stick to your budget, there’s no shame in seeking professional help from a financial advisor or credit counseling service.

How to Find a Realtor for Moving Our of Your Parent’s House?

One option is to buy a home. But unless you’re extremely lucky or have rich parents, chances are you’ll need to take out a mortgage to do so. This is where realtors come in. A realtor can help you find the perfect home within your budget and negotiate with the seller on your behalf.

person holding a miniature house
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

If you’re not ready to commit to buying a home just yet, then you may want to consider renting an apartment or house. Again, a realtor can help you find the right place and negotiate with the landlord on your behalf.

So, what’s the difference between a realtor who specializes in buying homes and one who specializes in renting properties? Well, for starters, the latter is typically less expensive. This is because real estate commissions are typically lower for rentals. Additionally, a realtor who specializes in rentals will likely have more experience dealing with landlords and property managers, which can be beneficial if you run into any problems down the road.

If you’re ready to buy a home, then a realtor who specializes in that area is probably your best bet. But if you’re not quite ready to make that commitment, then a realtor who specializes in rentals may be a better option for you.

Consider Getting Rid of Stuff

If you’re anything like the average person, you’ve probably accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. And when it comes time to move out of your parents’ house, you’re going to want to get rid of as much of that stuff as possible.

Why? Well, for one thing, it’s just going to make the move a lot easier. The less stuff you have to deal with, the less time it will take, and you will need less space when it comes time to move. But more importantly, it’s going to make your new place feel a lot more like home.

And if you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Here are 9 simple steps to help you get rid of all the stuff you don’t need and make your move out of your parents’ house a breeze.

1. Go through your clothes and get rid of anything you don’t wear.

We all have clothes that we never wear. But for some reason, we hold on to them anyway. If you’re moving out of your parents’ house, now is the time to get rid of those clothes. Ask yourself if you’ve worn it in the past year. If the answer is no, get rid of it.

Donate it, sell it, or just throw it away. But get rid of it. You don’t need clothes that you never wear.

2. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit.

If you’ve got a bunch of clothes that are too small or too big, get rid of them. You’re never going to wear them, so there’s no reason to keep them around.

3. Go through your shoes and get rid of anything you don’t wear.

We all have way too many shoes. And chances are, you’ve got a few pairs that you never wear. So get rid of them!

4. Get rid of anything that’s broken or damaged.

If you’ve got any clothes that are ripped, stained, or otherwise damaged, get rid of them. You’re never going to wear them, so there’s no reason to keep them around.

5. Get rid of anything that you don’t need.

We all have stuff that we don’t need. So go through your things and get rid of anything that you don’t use or need.

6. Get rid of anything that you don’t love.

We all have stuff that we don’t really love. But for some reason, we keep it anyway. If you’re moving out of your parents’ house, now is the time to get rid of those things.

7. Get rid of anything that’s just taking up space.

If you’ve got stuff that’s just taking up space, get rid of it. You don’t need it, so there’s no reason to keep it around.

8. Get rid of anything that doesn’t have a purpose.

We all have stuff that doesn’t really have a purpose. But for some reason, we keep it anyway. If you’re moving out of your parents’ house, now is the time to get rid of those things.

9. Get rid of anything that’s going to be a pain to move.

If you’ve got stuff that’s big, bulky, or just generally a pain to move, get rid of it. You don’t need it, so there’s no reason to keep it around.

Find Packing Supplies for Moving

Getting Packing Supplies for Moving Out of Your Parent’s House

You’ll need to start by gathering some packing supplies. Moving Boxes, tape, and bubble wrap are all essential for safely packing up your belongings. You can usually find these items at your local hardware or home improvement store.

happy couple unpacking boxes in new home
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

You can find boxes at your local grocery or hardware store, or you can even order them online. Just make sure that you have enough to pack up all your belongings.

Plastic bins are also a great option for moving your treasures out of your parent’s house into your own house.

Packing up Your Belongings

Packing up your life and moving out of your parents’ house can be a daunting task. But with a little planning and organization, it doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. Here are 10 simple steps to help make your transition smooth and stress-free:

1. Make a list of everything you need to pack. This will help you keep track of what needs to be packed and help prevent you from forgetting anything important.

2. Start packing early. Don’t wait until the last minute to start packing – this will only make the process more stressful. Start packing a few weeks in advance so you’re not rushed.

3. Pack one room at a time. Trying to pack everything all at once will only make things more chaotic. Focus on packing one room at a time and then move on to the next.

4. Get rid of anything you don’t need. Before you start packing, go through your belongings and get rid of anything you don’t use or need. This will lighten your load and make packing easier.

5. Pack essentials separately. Pack a separate bag with all the essentials you’ll need for your first few days in your new place. This way, you won’t have to dig through all your boxes to find what you need.

6. Label everything. Make sure to label all your boxes so you know what’s inside them. This will save you a lot of time and frustration when you’re unpacking later.

7. Use different colored tape for different rooms. Using different colored tape for different rooms will help you keep track of where everything goes when you’re unpacking.

8.Pack heavy items on the bottom. When packing boxes, be sure to put the heavier items on the bottom so they don’t crush the lighter items.

9. Use empty space. When packing, be sure to use any empty space – such as inside shoes or suitcases – to store smaller items. This will save you space and prevent things from getting lost.

10. Get help from friends and family. Moving is a lot of work, so don’t be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family. They can help you pack, move heavy furniture, and even unpack at your new place.

Setting Up Utilities for You House or Apartment

If you’ve been living in your parent’s house, you have most likely been using their utilities. Yes, Utilities is an expense that needs to be factored into a budget, but because you are smart, and responsible, you have probably already factored in utility costs. Let’s go over how to set them up.

utilities for moving away photo of a road near signages and utility poles
Photo by Михаил Ковалевский on Pexels.com

1. Choose your utilities. Depending on your needs, you may need electricity, water, gas, trash and recycling service, telephone,/or cable television. Some places combine utility services into one bill to make things simpler.

2. Call the appropriate companies to set up service at your new address. Make sure to have your new address and move-in date handy when you call.

3. Determine when service needs to be started. Some utilities need to be turned on a few days before you move in, while others can be set up the day of or day after your move.

4. Ask about any deposits that may be required. Many utility companies will require a deposit, especially if you have no credit history or bad credit.

5. Set up a payment plan. Most utility companies will allow you to set up automatic payments from your bank account or with a credit card so you never have to worry about missing a payment.

Changing Your Address

When you move out of your parents’ house, you’ll need to change your address. Here are 6 simple steps to follow:

1. Notify the post office of your new address. You can do this by filling out a change-of-address form at the post office or online at the USPS website.

2. Update your address with any companies or organizations that send you mail. This includes your bank, credit card companies, insurance providers, and magazine subscriptions.

3. Forward your mail. If you need to, you can have your mail forwarded from your old address to your new address for a short period of time. You can do this at the post office.

4. Change your address with the DMV. You’ll need to update your driver’s license, registration, and vehicle insurance to reflect your new address.

5. Notify your family and friends of your new address. Make sure to include your new phone number and email address as well.

6. Update your online accounts. This includes social media, online shopping, and any other websites that you use regularly.

Moving out and Celebrating

FREEDOM!! After all the planning and packing, you’re finally ready to move out of your parents’ house! This is a huge milestone in your life, so be sure to celebrate it. Here are a few ideas:

moving away from parent's home family and house cutout

1. Have a going away party. Invite your family and friends over for a farewell party. You can have food and drinks, play games, and take lots of pictures.

2. Make a moving out video. Document your move with a video camera or your smartphone. This is a great way to look back on your experience and share it with others.

The big day has arrived. You’ve signed the lease on your new place, packed up all your belongings, and said your goodbyes to your parents.

Have a House Warming Party

Your first step to moving out of your parents’ house is to celebrate! Have a big party to mark the occasion and invite all your friends and family over to see your new house. Make it a special night that you’ll always remember. Here are some great ideas for throwing a housewarming party:

1. Serve up some delicious food and drinks. Make sure to have plenty of snacks and drinks for your guests.

2. Decorate your new home with balloons, streamers, and other festive decorations.

3. Play fun party games like charades or Twister.

4. Have a dance party! Put on some of your favorite tunes and let loose.


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