6 Super Cool Benefits of Journaling For Kids of All Ages – And FREE Printable
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Benefits of Journaling Early
Lets talk about the benefits of journaling for kids and children of all ages. I received my first journal when I was 11 years old. It was a Christmas present from my parents. I remember looking at the bright red cover (I loved red) with the word “Journal” engraved in gold cursive across the front. As you can see, it has been through a lot since then.

I remember opening it and thumbing through the lined pages. I thought it was going to take me a million years to write on every page. It actually took only 5 years to fill the pages of this particular journal. I made my first journal entry that day. It was December 25th 1980.

My first journal is arguably the most cherished gifts I have ever been given. I have since filled the pages of many journals. I love journaling and writing in a variety of different sizes and styles of journals. I love looking back on the pages of them all.
But from my first journal to my last, I have noticed significant benefits of keeping a journal especially as a kid.
Here are some great benefits for journaling and some great reasons for getting your child a journal or journal pages. You can get a free printable journal page for kids as well as other great family and personal resources below. For a free kids journaling page sign up in the box below.
Journaling provides a great emotional outlet.
Sometimes when we are ticked and don’t have anyone to talk to, or don’t want to talk to anyone, a journal is a great place to vent. Kids can use journals to spew all of the drama caused by class mates and family members.
After getting it all out on paper, the situation subsides and the child is able to move forward. Journaling is a healthy way to express anger, fear, and exploring feelings without judgment.

Journaling offers productive reflection.
When I sit down to write in my journal, occasionally I am stumped. I can reflect on the last day or so and think of what I learned from the experiences that I had. I reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Kids can draw a picture or write down in words what was the best part of the day and the worst part of the day.
It isn’t always easy for a child or teenager to think of anything good that happened in their day, but this is a great to reflect on a friend that made them smile or a delicious food they ate for lunch. It could be something as small as making it to school on time.
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Consistently writing in a journal improves penmanship and spelling.
With all of us doing so much texting and typing we don’t get enough practice actually writing. My first journal entry looked like it was written by a 3rd grader and the spelling was not any better.
I remember trying different types of handwriting in my journal and practicing my handwriting. Now I often get asked by people where I got such beautiful penmanship. I simply say that I have had a lot of practice writing in a journal.
Kids can practice writing inside of the lines on a page and experimenting by copying different fonts that they love. Today, when are about to write a word and can’t remember how to spell it, it is easy to look it up on our smart phones.
When kids read and write words correctly over and over again, they become great spellers.
Writing in a journal increases gratitude.
We often hear about the importance of gratitude journals. I have what I call a Thankful Thursday; that is the day I write something or many things that I am thankful for. It usually has something to do with the events of that particular day.
Kids can write down something that they are thankful for in their journals and then why they are thankful for the thing or person. It helps them think a little outside of the box.
Journals are our legacy.
We would never have heard of Anne Frank if she didn’t keep a journal. We all have something to say. We all have a story that is worth being told. Kids have an incredible imagination that can be reflected on paper.
I hope you enjoyed our super cool benefits of journaling for kids to help develop that thing that makes them special and unique. Sign up at the bottom 0f this page to get the kids journaling page and access to all other awesome free printables and the family and personal resources we offer.

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