14 Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special
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14 Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special
Our children crave our love, time, and attention when they are very young. Parents are the most influential and important part of a child’s life, so now is the time to make your child feel special, happy and build their self-esteem.
There will be a time however, if you haven’t faced it already, when your children would rather hang out with friends than you. There will be a time when your kids will think they know everything and you know nothing.
So you have a small window of opportunity to show them how much you love them and that you are there for them through thick and thin. When they do get to those difficult years, you can build on the love and trust you have developed over the years.
Your kids may one day think they are smarter than you are, but you can still make your child feel special, loved and respected, and they will in turn love and respect you right back.
Here are a few ideas that we all can do to make our child feel special. Add some of your own ideas in the comment section below.
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Everyday Practices to Make Your Child Feel Special
Make these habits a routine so they become part of regular family life. This will make the deepest impact. Be consistent. Even during your family’s busiest days, you’ll be able to show your child how much you care just by doing your ordinary activities.
Make these practices a part of your regular routine:
- Be enthusiastic. Make your child feel special by listening attentively when your child wants to talk to you. Share their excitement even if the subject is dead bugs or anatomy (a subject that one of my kids is studying right now and loves to talk about) or a cartoon you’ve both watched a hundred times.
- Be affectionate. Give your child lots of hugs and kisses on a regular basis. Physical contact helps you bond with your children and will even enhance their brain development.
- Encouragement. Let your child know that they are special by using encouragement. Kind and supportive words and phrases like, “Wow, you drew a colorful butterfly!” or “You showed a lot of patience with your little sister today, thank you.” Encouragement helps motivate children from the inside to demonstrate positive behavior and to value things like hard work, and perseverance. Know the difference between praise vs encouragement.
- Ask for help. Enlist your child’s cooperation and give them a chance to teach you, too. Tell them that you appreciate the way they help in keeping the household running smoothly. Make your child feel special by asking them to explain a new slang word, demonstrate the newest dance move, or show you how to play a popular video game.
- Go for a drive. Make your errands more meaningful. Invite your child to come along. Even if it takes you a little longer to complete your work, the conversations and opportunity to teach and learn from each other are worth it.
- Encourage hobbies. How does your child spend their free time? Limit TV and computer time so they can take up a hobby that will help them feel more accomplished and special.
- Do chores together. Taking responsibility builds your child’s confidence. Put them in charge of unloading the dishwasher or taking the dog for a walk.
- Read bedtime stories together. The time spent preparing for sleep are an ideal opportunity to unwind and connect. Snuggle together and share your favorite books. My children also loved hearing me tell them stories about my life when I was their age.
- Enjoy meals together. Mealtime is another chance to spend some quality time together. Your children will strengthen their conversation skills and probably eat healthier.
Related Reading
100 Ways to Have Fun With the Family for Cheap or FREE
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More Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special
Of course, there’s also room for awesome surprises and occasional treats to make your child feel special. You can brighten up your child’s day without having to spend a lot of time or money.
Try these ideas:
- Send mail. Physical mail is so rare these days that anything you send will be the coolest thing ever. Write a letter to your child for their birthday or just because.
- Volunteer as a family. Helping others is a great way to feel more satisfied with your life. Talk with your kids about what kind of service excites them and look for fun and easy projects that they’ll want to do over again.
- Plan outings. Short trips or stay-cations can give you more family time and make your child feel special. Visit a science or art museum in your neighborhood or as part of your next family vacation.
- Dine out. Restaurants provide a fun place for brushing up on or teaching etiquette skills. You may want to start with casual spots where your child will feel welcome as they practice ordering off the menu and using their indoor voice.
- Celebrate holidays. Create family traditions for Christmas, Easter and other holidays. Even simple practices like baking a favorite meal or decorating cookies can become powerful over the years.
Making your children feel loved and respected will help them grow up to be happy and responsible adults. Treasure your time together and create memories that you’ll all enjoy for years to come. Time flies by so quickly, and soon those kiddos will be all grown up and leave the nest to conquer the world. Make every day matter.

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