Gratitude Journaling Prompts
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If you are reading this, then you have a journal are looking for ways to foster more gratitude in your life. Gratitude fosters positive mental health. Getting in the habit of gratitude will have an incredible influence on your life as well as the life of your family, friends, coworkers and anyone you connect with.
Once you get into the habit of gratitude, you will begin to live in gratitude which will help you see life, and live life with more intention.
These gratitude journaling prompts, were created as a way to think creatively about not only feeling gratitude but living in gratitude. That is the goal. Below are mental health journal prompts as well gratitude prompts that are accompanied by a few hints to help you reflect and creatively think about your day. The hints are from personal experiences in my life.
You know how the saying goes: we need to “stop and smell the roses”. Well sometimes we don’t see the roses even when they are right under our nose. Usually because we are paying attention to the chaos around us. We may know that they are there, but sometimes we don’t pay them enough attention to them.
We had a foreign exchange student live with us for a school year. We live in the valley between two huge mountain ranges. On this day, the mountains were capped with snow. The student asked me when the snow melted off the mountains. I looked at the mountains, and then at her. I had no idea when the snow melted. I have looked at that mountain range for over 45 years and I never noticed when the last bit of snow was gone.

You can guarantee that I paid attention from that moment on. Just FYI, the snow is noticeably gone, when looking at it from the valley, by the end of June. But the snow doesn’t completely melt in parts of the canyon and in the nooks and crannies.
My hope for you, is that you not only do you look for the roses, but see them, stop and smell them, and then pick one and share it with someone else. That is living your life in gratitude.
Most of these gratitude journaling prompts may seem a little silly, but sometimes we need to pay attention to the things we never notice (the huge mountain range outside of our door) and look closer at the little moments of your day (the snow on the mountain) so that your whole day becomes more beautiful.
Gratitude Journaling Prompts About Today:
1. Name 3 people or businesses who made your life easier today? (hints: Did someone else make your lunch? Was the car wash opened so you didn’t have to clean your car by hand? Did someone deliver the mail to your house?)
2. What 4 things did you accomplish today no matter how small? (Did you do a load of laundry? Did you make dinner? Did you make your bed? Did you get out of bed?)
3. What person have you been thinking about today who could use a “Thank You”? (hints: Did a sibling write a nice post on Facebook? Did a teacher help your child this year? Did a friend stop by to say hello?)
4, What do you love about what you are reading today? (hints: Are you reading a book that makes you laugh? Are you reading a blog post that inspires you to be a better parent? Are you just grateful that you have eyes so you can read?)
5. What are you listening to today that you never want to stop hearing? (hints: The sound of your mother’s voice? The sound of your daughter’s laughter? A favorite song?)
6. What is your favorite part of this morning and why? (hints: Did you love waking up to warm blankets wrapped around you? Did you love the idea of a new day? Did you love taking a shower? Or the them smell of breakfast?)
7. What is something that you found comfort in today? (hints: Did you find comfort in knowing your family is safe? Maybe you have a regular paycheck coming in?)
8. What is something hard you are going through today that you can be grateful for? (hints: You may be struggling financially, but you know that things will get better?)
9. What did a family member do today that you are grateful for? (hints: Sometimes it could be that they made it home safely. Maybe someone brought groceries.)
10. What is an ordinary item that you use every day that you don’t want to live without? What if this item were to disappear from the world what would you use instead (hints: Do you love your toothbrush? What would you use if there was suddenly not a single toothbrush in the world tomorrow?)
11. Look outside of your window? What sparks joy when you look outside? (hints: Maybe you see your neighbor’s house? What is something you like about that neighbor? Did they fix a sprinkler head for you? Do they simply mind their own business?)

Gratitude Journaling Prompts About Your Life?
12. What is a life lesson that you have learned? How did you learn it? (hints: Maybe you have learned to say “Thank You” out loud more often, because you didn’t get to say it to someone who passed away.)
13. What is a hidden blessing during a difficult challenge? (hints: Perhaps you learned to be frugal when you lost a job? And that helped you get out of debt.)
14. Who are the people that mean the most to you? When was the last time you told them? (hints: Maybe your kids? Spouse? Parents? How can you let them know every day that you love them and appreciate them?)
15. Who was your best friend when you were in 5th grade? What did you like most about them? (hints: This could even be a pet, neighbor or mentor)
16. Is there a vacation or opportunity coming up that you are grateful for? (hints: Will you be graduating? Are you working on writing a novel, poem or song? Are you going on a long-awaited road trip?
17. What do you love about where you live in right now? (hints: Do you love snow skiing in the mountains? Do you love surfing in the ocean? Do you love it because that is where your family is?)
18. Think back on a favorite Christmas Gift. What was it and why did you love it? (hints: Did someone have to make a sacrifice to get it for you? Was it a huge surprise that you never expected?)
19. What is the biggest gift in your life right now? (hints: Maybe with everything going on, perhaps you have been given the gift of time. Maybe you have developed a closeness in your family.
20. What is something that made you laugh recently? (hints: Did a friend post a Meme on Facebook? Did you or someone tell a joke, that spurred on more jokes, that put everyone in a fit of laughter? Did a child do something silly today?)
21. What is something recently that made your heart nearly burst? (hints: Was it the laughter of a child? Did someone confess their love to you? Did you receive good news? Did you learn a valuable lesson?)

Gratitude Journaling Prompts About Your Family:
22. Choose an aunt or aunt figure in your life: What positive memory do you have of her? (hints: Did she mail you a birthday card? Does she listen to you without interrupting? Did she dress to the nines at your birthday party?)
23. Is there a family member that did something kind for you that you will never forget? Who? And What did they do? (hints: Did your mother-in-law make your wedding cake? Did your dad take off work to take you fishing? Did your mom take you out of school early to spend the day with you?)
24. Is there a family member that you are estranged from? What can you do to turn it around? (hints: Can you write them a letter of forgiveness? Can you reconnect with him/her through text? Can you still have grateful thoughts even if there is no turning back?)
25. Do you have children? Siblings? When was the last time you laughed together? What was the occasion? (hints: Did you watch a funny movie together? Did you have a dance party in the kitchen? Did you just goof off together for no reason?)
26. Think of someone in your family that you haven’t reach out to in a while. Who is it? How can you show appreciation for them? (hints: Maybe you have a brother who you haven’t talk to for a while. You can send him a text telling him you are thinking about him. Maybe you have an aunt that sent you a Christmas card, maybe you can send her a card in the mail)
27. Is there a family that you haven’t thanked? Who is it? What did they do for you? Thank them now. (hints: Did your sister pick your kids up from school. Did your son unload the dishwasher for you? Did your spouse bring you home a taco?)
28. Is there a person who lives under your roof who could use a little bit more love? Who is it? Why are you grateful for them? (hints: Do you have a child that is struggling in school? Do you have a spouse that works hard? Do you have a parent that could use a big hug?)
29. Choose a sibling or a friend that you argue with the most. What are their greatest qualities and gifts? (hints: Do you have a stubborn child? Do you have a spouse who doesn’t appreciate you?)
30. What do you love about your parents? What sacrifices have they made for you? (hints: Did your dad have to take on a second job to help with finances? Did you mom stay up late waiting up for you?)
31. What is the greatest quality of your spouse or significant other? How could you show you appreciate them more? (hints: Does your spouse take turns cooking? Does your spouse go to work every day to help put food on the table? Is you spouse kind to the elderly?

Gratitude Journaling Prompts About Food:
32. What food did you not really enjoy, but happy memories connected you to that food item? (hints: Did you have chocolate chip ice cream in the house because that was the only ice cream your mom would eat? Did you like Peanut M&Ms only because your sister bought them for you?)
33. What is your favorite dessert? When was the last time you had it? (hints: Was the last time you had banana cream pie at your Aunt’s house? Was the last time you had a chocolate cake with butter cream frosting at your sister’s birthday party?)
34. What condiment are you most thankful for? What food do you put that condiment on? (hints: Do you love Ketchup on hotdogs? Do you love Mayonnaise on your pancakes? Ok that’s just gross)
35. What did you eat today that sparked joy? (hints: Did you eat your favorite salad? Did someone bring you a chocolate brownie?)
36. What is the most recent food item you received as a gift? Did you remember to thank them? (hints: Did you spouse bring you Ferrero Rocher? Did a neighbor bake you chocolate chip cookies?)
37. What is your favorite vegetable? When was the last time you had it? (hints: Do you love cauliflower with ranch dressing? Do you love artichokes in garlic?)
38. When was the last time you ate your favorite kind of bread? (hints: was it the last time you went to that one restaurant? Did you make it for dinner? Was it before you found out you were gluten intolerant?)
39. What food reminds you of your Grandma? (hints: Did your grandma make chocolate chips cookies with mint chocolate chips instead of semi-sweet? Does you grandma’s pot roast taste exactly like the one at Mimi’s Café?)
40. What dessert or guilty pleasure good would you have a difficult time giving up? (hints: Would you have a difficult time giving up cookie dough? Chocolate? Gelato?)
41. What was the last food item you gave away as a gift? Commit to doing it more (hints: Did you give your neighbors chocolate caramel bars because you just made too much for the kids? Was it a “Thank You” to a teacher?)

Gratitude journaling prompts about your home:
42. What is one thing you love about your bed? (hints: Was it a gift? Did you save money for many months so you could have it? Is it the perfect size? Did someone make the headboard?)
43. What do you love about your kitchen cabinets? (hints: Were they on sale? Did they come free with the house? Are the shelves tall enough for your cereal?)
44. Is there an appliance sitting on the kitchen counter? What do you like about it? (hints: What would you do if you didn’t have that particular appliance? What does is do to make life easier?)
45. Pick one room in your house. When was the last time that room brought you joy? (hints: When you picked the paint color? Did you decorate it for a party? When you cleaned it till it was spotless?)
46. Look at a picture or painting you have hanging on the wall or sitting on a table. What do you love about it? (hints: Did someone you love paint it? Was it a gift? What do you like about the people in the picture?)
47. What is one good memory you have sitting at your kitchen table, or place you sit for meals? (hints: Is that where you play card games with family and friends? Is that where you presented the best meal you ever made? Is that where you sat to write out Thank You cards?)
48. Who was the last person that knocked on your door? What do you like about that person? (hints: Was it a salesman? Was he nice? Was it a landlord? Think of something positive about that person.)
49. Do you have a place to hang out in your yard or outside your home? What memory do you have there that sparks joy? (hints: Were you laying on a blanket at looking at the clouds? Were you celebrating a birthday? Were you planting a flower that a neighbor gave you?)
50. What is once piece of furniture that you have in your house that would be hard to get rid of and why? (hints: Is it an heirloom? Did you save money for months to purchase it? Did you buy it in your travels?)
51. Choose 2 things you love about your house/apartment/condo. (hints: Did you get it at a good price? Does your best friend live next door? Do you love it because that is where you grew up?)
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I hope you have found some useful gratitude journaling prompts in this article. As you continue to see your life and events that happen in your life with hope and joy and gratitude, you will begin to develop a habit of gratitude. May you live and love in gratitude.
We would love to read any additional gratitude journaling writing prompts and mental health journal prompts in the comment section below.

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