26 Tips to Live Life to the Fullest
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Have you ever stopped to take a good look at your life? Have you ever felt like things weren’t going your way? Do you want to start to live life to the fullest?
Do you see changes that you want to make in your life? Do you see changes that you need to make that will help you live your life to the fullest? If you want to make a change for the better, one that will help you live life to the fullest, today is the day to start living the life you want.
Now is the time for you to live the life that you have always wanted.
It doesn’t matter what your life looks like at this moment, I believe that we all have what we need to design the life we have always imagined. When nothing seems to be going our way, and when things fall apart in our lives, we can decide how we learn and grow from those challenges. Because of that, I believe that everyone can live life to the fullest.
If you feel that things are not going your way, then change it! You can improve your life and how you perceive it by changing your actions and reactions.
I have found the best advice and most actionable tips to get you going and help you live life to the fullest. This is your year! Make this your best year yet.
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1. Be Grateful.
See that there are so many great things already going for you in your life. If your life was totally in the toilet, you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog post. You are somewhere where there is electricity. Who doesn’t love electricity. If you can read this, then you have your eyesight. There is so much to be grateful for. You already live a great life, and to live life to the fullest, you just need to remember that.
Sometimes life is challenging, and it is hard to see the sun through the clouds, but it is there! Sometimes we just need to be a little more patient. We will never appreciate the warmth of the sun if it is always sunny.
2. What do you want to change?
To design your life and live life to the fullest, you need to know where to start? What does your life look like now? What do you like and what don’t you like? Do you want to get married, but you are single? Do you love the ocean but live in a small farming town? Do you love your job but need more income?
Make a list of everything that you want to change. If you are designing a house, you would move doors and maybe make bigger windows. Maybe you would add a nook to the kitchen to display your favorite plants. It is no different with your life. You don’t have to get a new life to live life to the fullest. Sometimes just small changes here and there are all you need. But if you need to get an entirely new life, then these same tips apply (just keep me out of it).
3. Set goals and reach them.
To design and live the life you have always wanted, you will want to set goals. What is a goal that gets you excited? Remember, this is not your sister’s life or your neighbor’s life. This is your life. You are the designer of your life. As William Ernest Henly said, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
- Our friends at goalband stated that people with written goals are 50% more likely to achieve than people without goals
To reach your goals you’ll want to:
- Review previous goals if you set any. Did you accomplish them? Did you forget about them as soon as you put them to paper? If you didn’t achieve those goals, what happened? .
- Goals should be written down on paper. I like to physically write them in a journal.
- Goals should have a plan of action. If your goal is to get out of debt, how are you going to make that happen? (don’t say “win the lottery”).
- Goals should be broken down in smaller actionable steps. If you chose a goal to get out of debt, what debt are you going to start with? Do you want to pay off a credit card first and then tackle a bigger credit card or car payment?
- Keep track of the progress of your goals setting progress and make changes (if needed).
- Find small ways to stick to your goals. If you want to get out of debt, maybe you can set up an automatic payment system to take a certain amount of money out of each paycheck and put it towards a credit card.
- Find ways to motivate yourself when setting goals.
- Make reaching your goal a friendly competition.
4. Smile more.
A study by a University of California San Francisco researcher found that smiling can actually boost your immune system and your physical health as well, allowing you to live up to seven years longer!
Even a fake smile will turn into a real smile eventually. Give it a try.
Smile at the next person you pass by. Smile while you are on the phone, the other person will wonder why you are so happy. Turn that frown upside down.
5. Stop caring about what other people think
Except your mom! You should always care what your mom thinks. I’m only kidding. You shouldn’t even care what your mom thinks. If you want to live life to the fullest, then stop caring about what others think.
No one is in your shoes, no one knows what you go through every day. So who are they to tell you how to live your life? I am still working on this one. I am a recovering people pleaser, so it was much more difficult NOT to seek approval from everyone in my life. But I am improving greatly, and I am so much happier because of it.
Don’t let the opinions of others drag you down, control you or affect your happiness. Who cares what they think?
6. Save money.
I was taught to pay yourself first then use the rest for expenses (pay yourself means invest, save or set aside money for a rainy day). If we get in the habit of saving first then we will be able to live within our means. Saving 10% of your income is ideal.
Sadly, Americans on a whole aren’t great savers, to the point where almost 70% of us don’t even have $1,000 in the bank.
Having a budget will help you save money. Even the rich should have a budget and many do. Following a budgets will help you take control of your finances. It will reduce stress, and help you live life to the fullest.
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7. Stop watching so much TV.
The average person spends 3 hours and 58 minutes a day watching tv. Tell me that is not ridiculous.
Imagine what you can get done in almost 4 hours a day? TV can be detrimental if you want to live life to the fullest.
The next time you are bored or looking for something to do, instead of turning on the TV, read a book, work out, visit a friend, or spend time with family.
8. Stop spending so much time on social media
The average person spends 135 minutes a day on social media. That is over 2 hours. Studies show that when individuals are isolated from healthy social activities and turn to the social media, then that leads into more loneliness.
The problem with social media is that it is making people depressed. Too many individuals are comparing their own weaknesses to others fake strengths. More often than not, These beautiful photos and posts that you see and read on social media just isn’t real!
9. Pay off debt.
Paying off your debt can lessen your stress levels, allow you to put more money towards something else (such as retirement), stop paying interest fees, and more.
Debt might be the thing that has been holding you back from being able to live life to the fullest, so let’s make 2019 the year that you finally start eliminating your debt!
10. Start investing.
You should really start investing if you haven’t done so yet. It’s one of the best ways to improve your life for the future.
When investing, you will be more prepared for unexpected downfalls in your life, you will be able to watch your money grow, and you will be that much closer to being able to retire one day
11. Be kind.
Being kind is something we all should be doing anyway. Kindness is the key to allow you to live your life to the fullest. When was the last time you gave a compliment to the person over the counter at the grocery store? Do you know the name of the custodian in your office? Does that custodian know your name?
Being kind to others can open your heart to new people and experiences. It will help us to stop dwelling on the negativity in life. It is sure to brighten someone’s day.
Kindness begins with each and every one of us:
- Open the door for others, or say “thank you” if someone opens the door for you.
- Say hello to every single person pass by today.
- Smile at everyone.
- If someone messed up on your order, instead of shouting, say it is OK. Things happen. (I think everyone should be a waiter or work behind the counter of a fast food place for at least a year. Maybe they won’t be so grumpy when mistakes are made)
12. Pick yourself up when you fail.
If you are making progress on your goals and trying new things, there is a chance that you will fail. The best thing about failing is that it happens to the best of us. And that it’s ok.
Failing can sometimes be just the thing you need to get back up and find the answer. Because you failed, you will see what went wrong and make the needed corrections to move forward.
Failure is an important part of the learning process.
13. Exercise more.
Studies show that physical activity helps prevent bone loss, increase muscle strength, and improve coordination and balance. Studies have shown that increased levels of physical activity reduce the risk of many aging-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease.
I am not great at exercising regularly. But I know it is important, so I will continue to make exercise a priority.
14. Say yes.
If you have gotten stuck in your comfort zone or are avoiding new things and people, then you may want to try saying yes a little more often. Go out to dinner with some co workers, or see a movie with your in laws.
Saying yes can open you up to more situations, help you grow as a person, and help you live life to the fullest.
15. Say no.
However, If saying yes to everything is making you want out pull your hair out, then try saying no every once in a while.
Saying no may allow you to have more time to focus on you and what you truly want from life.
16. Don’t let life pass you by.
Sometimes we have to force ourselves to slow down and appreciate what’s happening around us so that we don’t let our life pass us by.
Focus on living in the present rather than thinking things like, “In 10 years life will be so much easier.” Or “Life will be so much better when I get my master’s degree.” You’ll end up being miserable because tomorrow isn’t going to come.
The joy is in the journey! Don’t wait 5, 10, or 20 years to start living your life, do it now! And, that doesn’t mean you have to spend all of your money doing so either.
You can live life to the fullest by simply being present and focusing on the amazing things that are happening right now.
17. Cherish moments with loved ones.
You should never take a moment for granted with those you love. Take time to see your family and friends, talk to them on the phone, tell them you love them, and let them know that you are there for them.
Your loved ones offer you some of the most amazing moments you will ever have. This will help you live life to the fullest and will help your loved ones do the same. Text or call someone right now and tell them that you love them and appreciate them. Go ahead….we will wait.
18. Don’t keep up with the Joneses.
Almost everyone has experienced the feeling of wanting to keep up with others. Maybe your neighbor just bought a new sports car, and you are still driving the sedan you got your freshman year in college. Most of us can’t help but want to buy a new car. Maybe your co worker is going on a 14 day cruise, and you haven’t even been out of the state in 5 years. You feel like you want to go and deserve to go on cruise as well.
The problem with this is that keeping up with the Joneses can actually prevent you from being able to live life to the fullest. When trying to keep up with others, you might spend money you do not have. You end up putting expensive clothing, and trips on credit cards that you may not be able to pay off quickly. You might buy things that you do not care about just because someone else has it.
19. Do what YOU want to do.
What makes you happy, excited, joyful, and motivated? That’s what you should be doing with your life (as long as it’s legal)!
Go for that job you’ve always wanted, finally start a family, and make a plan to take that adventure you’ve been dreaming of. Whatever it is, just go for it!
Now, I will tell you that to really live life to the fullest, it’s best if you do what you want to do on a budget!
20. Get enough sleep each night.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average person needs around 7.5 hours of sleep in order to “function at their best.” However, the average person actually only sleeps around 6.5 hours.
Lack of sleep, according to HealthLine, can lead to all sorts of health issues including memory loss and heart disease.
Due to this, you should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night. It will help you be more productive, become healthier, and live life to the fullest.
21. Drink more water.
According to Lifehacker, the average person should drink around 9 to 13 cups of water per day. This is just a baseline, though, as if you exercise or are in hot weather, then you should consume more.
However, not many people get anywhere near this amount of water.
Drinking water can help you lose weight, perform better, be happier, prevent headaches, help your skin, and is a must for your body to survive.
To drink more water, you can start by carrying around a water bottle, and you will be surprised by how great drinking water will make you feel.
22. Think positively.
In order to design a life you love, being positive is essential. A positive attitude is one of the best ways to live life to the fullest. Positive thinking will help you be more grateful, it will help you be more creative in finding ways to live life to the fullest, and you won’t waste time with negativity and regret.
23. Find something good in a negative situation.
Even when something bad happens, there may still be some good in those times. Even though it can be hard to think about the positive when you are experiencing something negative, finding a small amount of positivity will help you live life to the fullest.
Through the power of positive thinking, you can use a bad experience to learn something new about yourself, to realize you made a mistake, to come up with a new plan you never thought of before, and more.
Taking the negative and turning it into a learning experience can help prevent a negative situation from happening again. Or, maybe next time you’ll be more prepared.
24. Become more organized.
Here are some surprising statistics I found from Simply Orderly about being unorganized:
- The average person spends 12 days per year looking for things they can’t find.
- Every day, the average office worker spends 1.5 hours looking for things.
- In a recent survey, 55% of consumers stated that they would save anywhere from 16 to 60 minutes a day if they were organized.
- 23% of people pay bills late and have to pay late fees because they are unable to find their bills.
25. Be open minded to live life to the fullest.
There are billions of people on this planet and everyone is different, but we are all in this together. Everyone wants a happy and fulfilling life, so instead of judging others and expecting things to go one way, we should be more open minded.
Being open minded can help you accept changes, love others, be optimistic, and learn from others. Instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing, you can relax, have less stress, and just accept and love those around you.
26. Keep a journal.
I have kept a journal since 1980. I have recorded my hopes, dreams, successes and failures in the many journals I have had over the years. Keeping a journal can help you reflect on your past, and it also allows you to see the progress you are making towards your goals and dreams.
Plus, pouring your heart out on paper every once in a while is great for your mind and soul. It has been great for mine.
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