Detailed Cleaning Checklist – FREE Printable

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Detailed Cleaning Checklist Free Printable Just for YOU!

Detailed Cleaning Checklist FREE Printable

If you are anything like me, when it is time to clean a room or the whole entire house, you may stand there and feel overwhelmed.  Maybe you don’t know where to begin.  Occasionally, I will start with the kitchen and focus my attention on cleaning off the counters.  Then I get side tracked by a piece of mail, or magazine article, and before I know it, 10 minutes have gone by and the kitchen isn’t any cleaner.

So I made this detailed cleaning checklist FREE Printable. I think it will help you focus on the task at hand, but also give you a great starting point of where to begin the fun of cleaning. I know it does me.

Get the kids involved

You can get you kids involved in the fun as well.  In the detailed cleaning checklist FREE printable,  there is room for initials at the end of each task. I have my kids put their initials next to a few jobs that they want to do. (The first child to show up to help, gets to be the first one to choose the jobs they do).

If you are struggling to get kids to help check out: Tips to Motivate Kids to Get Things Done

I personally like to clean one room at a time. I know some people like  to tackle one task at a time and go through the entire house. Maybe you like to dust the entire house before moving on to another task. I have a super short attention span, so I like to stick to one room at a time. It keeps me focused and interested.

However, I like to finish off my cleaning by vacuuming all of the living spaces. For me it is kind of like putting a cherry on top of a delicious ice cream Sunday.  I vacuum backwards not stepping on where I just vacuumed. I love those vacuum lines with no footprints.

Detailed Cleaning Checklist FREE Printable

All of my cleaning starts with setting a timer for 15 to 20 minutes. I try to get an entire room cleaned in 20 minutes.

Cleaning the clutter is at the top of the detailed cleaning checklist FREE printable.  You don’t want to think too much about this task, because it is sure to take you down the road to distraction. If you pick up a thank you card that a friend sent you, or a recipe that a neighbor brought over to you,  your focus will surely be gone.

Resist the urge to think about those items. I toss everything in a box that doesn’t belong in that room and deal with that box of clutter later.

I hope that this list is effective at helping you tackle the toughest messes in your home. When you’re done, kick up your heels and enjoy a piece of chocolate, I know I will.

Detailed Cleaning Checklist Free Printable


Detailed Cleaning Checklist FREE Printable


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