17 Tips to Make Your Home a Happier Place: Tips and Ideas for Happiness (2025)
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It doesn’t matter how big or small your home is, if you are single, married with kids, or an empty nester, there are many ways to create a happier home. When you’re happy at home, you’ll be more productive and less stressed in the workplace and at home. Here are some tips for having a happier home and creating a haven.
Challenges of Having a Happier Home
According to a survey, the average person spend 2 to 4 hourse per week cleaning their houses. I arguably spend a more than 4 hours a week cleaning. Cleaning is time consuming and organizating and decluttering can be equally tedious.
For me, a lot of the stress that comes from being happy at home is the feeling of not having control over every space. For example, I will search for a pair of scissors that has an established place, but when I go to get the, they are missing. These instances will more than likely cause feelings of frustration. I tend to yell, “Who took the scissors?” when no one is even home.
It can be difficult to manage the house when not everyone in the family seems to support our efforts. Not everyone who lives under the same roof is going to have the same passion and joy that comes from a nice and tidy house. That may challenge will invariably cause its own set of problems like resentment and distrust.
What if someone comes over to visit and the house isn’t Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook worthy? Of course, we know the importance of knowing that no one has a perfectly organized home with a style that resembles a magazine cover all of the time. Don’t forget that when you are trying to create a happier home.

Need a Happier Home? Start With Being Content With What You Have Now:
Don’t wish for more when you already have enough to make your life amazing. Instead, be thankful and appreciate all the good things that come into it every day! Sometimes we get so busy in our lives, that we don’t take a minute to stop and notice all of the beauty in our home and life at any given moment.
Stop and take a second to reflect right now. Do you have kids running around like little chickens making messes wherever they go? Aren’t you grateful that your home is filled with children’s laughter. What if you have no one home right now or you are single living by yourself. (Then you probably would be reading this) But if that is the case, doesn’t it feel good to know that you can take some time for yourself every day?
Gratitude comes when we are aware and have a sense of thanksgiving at the present moment.

Making small changes for a happier home:
Another way to increase happiness at home is by being open-minded about making small changes. Sometimes making small changes can create a happier place. It’s amazing how much simple little changes can turn a happy home life into a happier life.
Positive changes can increase in a happy momentum that will snowball into a glorious life and one that is fulfilling each and every day. For example, if a family member always sits on the couch while watching TV after work or school, suggest watching it on the treadmill or a stationary bike. Or maybe sit and watch it with them. Maybe forgo the daily television ritual and pick up that book that has been collecting dust on the bookshelf and read it to each other. Changes like these can have a happier home because they will help people feel more rejuvenated and establish family connections. Change is good!

Buy less stuff to create a happy home!
If you’ll be happier living with less, try to buy less things. When it comes to your home, having too many possessions can create stress and unhappiness. Cut back on the spending. If you are shopping and you see something that you “have to have” take a step back. Do you really need it? Leave the store and sit on it for a few days and see if the urge to buy it dissipates. It most likely will.
That money you save can be used to update a room with a fresh coat of paint or a pizza party for family and friends. Who doesn’t love a pizza party!
Get your home more organized:

It doesn’t take anything more than a Google search to find many companies that provide services that focus on helping people organize, but these resources can be expensive for most clients. We don’t need an organizing company to come into our house to tell us that there should be a place for everything and everything in its place. We all know that. However, that of course is easier said than done. Most of us have things that we love that there just isn’t room for. Let’s go over some tools and tips to improve our home through organization.
We must really take a hard look at our stuff! If we don’t love love love it, we don’t wear it, or use it, then we must give it away or get rid of it. If we do love it, wear it, or use it and there is still no room for it, then it is time to get creative.
How can you use the space under your bed for you stuff? Where can you add a shelf or storage space for things you love?
When you’re more organized, your home will be much happier and less stressful for everyone living there. It’s easier to find things when everything has a place and the right spot is known by all family members who live in that space. And of course if the family members put that item back where it goes. That is a bonus!
Repurpose treasures that you already have:

Generally speaking, you may not have to search far to find things that are piling up on shelves or closets. Sometimes there are nick-knacks collecting dust in our homes. Are some of these treasures associated with fond memories? Perhaps you can incorporate these treasures into something better. Maybe they just need a new home. Do you have dozens of glass vases from flowers given to you by family and friends? Are these simple treasures sitting on the top shelf of your pantry? Try painting them or wrapping them all with pretty ribbon and repurposing them in fun ways.
Keep plants or flowers around the house:
Plants can help purify indoor air and provide natural beauty that shines through during any season! Bringing some greenery into an otherwise sterile space can brighten up any dreary room no matter what time of year it is.
However, it’s important to choose plants that won’t be too demanding and will thrive in your living conditions. Succulents or cacti are great choices for people who don’t have a lot of time to take care of their plants!
Seasonal plants like tulips and chrysanthemums are great choices for people who love flowers but don’t have a green thumb. They can brighten up any room in your home while they’re available during the appropriate season!

Update Spaces:
Give your creativity a boost and improve your space. Home should be a beautiful place that you enjoy living in. If it isn’t, then try some simple changes that you can have the happiest home possible!
What’s Your Color?
Choosing colors that enhance moods is an easy way to create happiness at home! The color red has been shown to raise levels of confidence and energy, so painting your foyer, kitchen, or bathroom walls this color will instantly give you more pep when walking through these rooms. Blue hues have been shown to be the best choice for people who are looking to feel relaxed. If you’re feeling sluggish, try painting your rooms’ walls with some light blue hues!
Art That Inspires:
For many of us, art can inspire our creative side while also bringing beauty into a room. Whether they’re original pieces, word art printables, or art pieces that you have made yourself, when you invest in art and hanging it in a space that is fitting can spark positive emotions in anyone. Don’t forget about any empty space on your walls; putting up inspirational quotes never hurt anybody either!

Rearrange Furniture:
One way to create happier homes is simply by rearranging areas of your home! Sometimes a simple switch up can be all you need. Depending on the size and layout of your rooms. The possibilities to improve a space truly are endless.
Purchase New Furniture/Accessories:
Sometimes, happier homes can be as simple as adding new furniture to the mix! Have you been thinking about getting a sectional for your living room or even if you’ve been wanting a whole new bedroom set. You don’t need an excuse to buy something that will bring happiness into your home life.
Brightening up a room can be as simple as buying a new rug. Rugs are inexpensive and can breathe life into any room.

Clear out the clutter:
We all have one of those friends who can’t sit down to watch a movie without cleaning up their entire living room beforehand. While nobody enjoys being surrounded by dirty clothes or dishes, it’s important to not let these things pile up either! Every so often, clear out your belongings and donate what you don’t need anymore. If clutter starts piling up again after only a few weeks, then a good organizing system is what you need.
If the clutter is too overwhelming, start with just a drawer or shelf. Decide what your intention is for the space. Is that basket for books only? Then remove everything that is’t a book. Can everything you took out be trashed or given away? It is important to remove everything that doesn’t fit the purpose of the space.
Make cleaning easier with routines:
If you’re constantly finding yourself cleaning up messes in your home, then try to establish some routines beforehand. Doing this is a great way for everyone living under one roof to pitch in with the chores without too much hassle! No matter what type of schedule or routine that you choose, make sure that it’s something easy and manageable so nobody gets stressed out when trying to complete these cleaning tasks every week.
Some people can get overwhelmed and feel stressed by their house’s messes and the thought of cleaning all the time. One way to make cleaning happier is to establish a routine. Let’s say you want to clean your house every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Select three tasks that are easy for you to do during those days- maybe vacuuming on Mondays, wiping down counters on Thursdays, or scrubbing the tub once a week. It doesn’t need to be anything complicated or time consuming- it just needs to be enough for you to feel happier about your home! Set a timer for 15 minutes when it is time to do a task. You will be surprised what 15 minutes of focused work will accomplish!
Show family members you appreciate them.
There is nothing that reveals a happier home quite like how the people inside treat each other. We invest in relationships to protect each family member from scars that todays challenges involk.
When we stop and think before we speak (The THINK Method) and then remember to be respectful, harmony in our home increases. Try letting everyone in the home feel loved and appreciated through words of encouragement, random acts of kindness, as well as spending quality time together.
Let’s give it a try! Pick up your phone and send a text to someone or everyone that lives in your home and say “I love you.” Or perhaps a meme or gif. I guarantee they will feel more appreciated and loved. Try making this a daily habit. Even simple acts can make a huge difference in the life of each family member.
Spend quality time together.

Spending quality time together as a family is essential in building connections that will last a lifetime. Start with a family meeting. These can create a road map to how your family can take steps towards a happier family.
Quality time means approachable conversations about your day, story telling about when you were younger, taking care of chores together, or maybe making dinner together. The simplest things can create happier homes for your loved ones.
Remember there are different people in your family with different needs. Try to spend one-on-one time with each of them doing the 3 As Affirmation, Affection, and Attention. Try to give each member of the family at least a few minutes a day with each of these essential habits. Try giving them a back rub, a hug, say something positive, and give them encouragement. These acts can go along way in bringing unity and love to a family.
Create New Family Traditions:
Think about what your favorite memory was as a child- whether it was going out for ice cream with all the cousins once a week or driving around on Halloween night before trick-or-treating. You can recreate these moments by creating new fun family traditions that everyone will love! Maybe it’s a special holiday tradition or a simple tradition you grew up with that has all been but forgotten. Get the family together and brainstorm some fun new ideas.
You could also create new traditions in the home by doing something new each month such as going out on certain days or having special movie nights with your family members. It will help add some more happiness around your home!
Serve others:
Giving your time to help others in need is one of the most rewarding things that you can do as a family. Whether it’s donating clothes, saving money as a family for a good cause, helping out at a food bank, or just making cookies and bringing a plate over to a lonely neighbor. Getting your family involved in serving others will teach them to be empathetic and promote more gratitude.
Don’t forget about to get help when needed. Networking helps get jobs done faster because we have many people working together on something rather than doing everything ourselves. If you need to clean out the garden to prepare for the cold season, ask for help. When we have family members or even friends pitch in, a lot of hands make for less work.
Maybe there is a couple in the neighborhood with kids. You can take turns babysitting while each couple spends important one-on-one time together. You can get to know the other couple as well as their kids. Now you have another part of your network you can bless your life with. It takes a village!
I hope these tips help make your home a happier place for everyone living there. As it becomes more cheerful, people feel less stressed at work which leads to greater success! Thank you for reading about ways to have a happier home life.

Other Resources:
Ways to Life Life to the Fullest!
Tips on Being a More Supportive Spouse
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