New Year’s Eve Games for Kids, Families and Couples – Bring in 2025
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New Year’s Eve Games for Kids and Families to Bring in the New Year!
What a year it has been! Some have loved it, and others can’t wait to say “SO LONG!” I’ve even heard people say that they are staying up past midnight, not to welcome the new year, but to make sure the old year left.
However you feel about the past year, nothing is better than saying good bye to the old and saying hello to the new year than spending New Year’s Eve with family and friends. Of all the New Year’s Eve games for kids and families, we think you will like this easy to put together game.
We designed this New Year’s Eve game that can be played many different way to help bring your family closer together, reminisce about this past year, and what you can look forward to for the coming year.
Download the New Year’s Eve Games for Kids and Families Here!
New Year’s Eve Games for Families – Game Prep
Print out the name cards (score cards) on high quality paper. Print out one name card (score card) for each person playing. Print and cut out the question cards on heavy card stock and laminate them to keep the cards in good condition so that you can play over and over again. It is also a good idea to print and cut out the “winner” squares and laminate them to use them over again as well.
New Year’s Eve for Families Game

These New Year’s Eve games for kids and families can be played easily with kids who can write down answers. Of course kids don’t have to be able to spell correctly, just be able to identify and write down an answer almost legibly :).
Each player is given a name card (score card). Write down your name on the card.
There are 32 conversation cards. Some are true or false, others are multiple choice, fill in the blank and open ended questions.
Decide who draws a card first. The player who draws first reads the card out loud. The player who draws the card then writes down the answer in the first space #1.

Everyone else writes down the answer they THINK the drawer wrote down.
So, If I was the first to draw, and I drew the card: “You ate way too much ____________ this year.” I would probably write “chocolate” next to #1. Then everyone else will guess what I wrote down for myself and write down the answer on the #1 space the way they THINK I would answer.
Then everyone compares answers. The player or players that answer matches my answer of “chocolate” gets a “winner” square. Then the next person will draw another card, read it aloud and then answer the question for themselves on the #2 space. Everyone else will guess that person’s answer and then write that answer on their #2 space. Whoever’s answers match the person who drew the card gets a “winner” square. Go around until all 32 cards have been drawn and answered.

The person who collects the most “winner” squares is the winner!
If you aren’t ready for the fun to end, go back around drawing and writing down other players answers to those questions that weren’t answered before.
Download the New Year’s Eve Game for Kids and Families here!
New Year’s Eve Game for Couples:

This game can be played in couples or as a family. Of course, couples can play the game as instructed for families, but here is an alternative way to play as couples:
One person draws a card. That person will read the card out loud. Then the drawer will write down the answer. Instead of everyone guessing the answer and writing down the answer they think they drawer wrote down, only the couple’s partner would write down the answer.
So, If I was the first to draw, and I drew the card: “You learned a new skill this year: True or False” I did learn a new skill this year so I would write “True” next to #1 space. Then my husband would guess what I answered and write down the answer on #1.
Then the two of us compares answers. If my husband’s answer matches my answer of “True” he gets a “winner” square. Then the next person will draw another card, read it aloud and then answer the question for themselves on the #2 space. Their spouse will guess that person’s answer and then write that answer on their #2 space. If that spouse’s answers matches the person who drew the card then that spouse gets a “winner” square. Go around until all 32 cards have been drawn and answered.
The person who collects the most “winner” squares is the winner!
If you want to keep the fun going, go back around drawing and writing down other players answers to those questions that they didn’t answer before.
Download the New Year’s Eve Game for Kids and Families HERE!
New Year’s Eve Games for Kids and Families – Alternative Ideas

The best thing about these New Year’s Eve Games for kids and families is that one game can be played in many different ways.
This game can also be as simple as having a conversation. Have each person draw a card, read it out loud and then answer the question. Then the next person can answer the same question or draw another card and answer the question on the card they just drew. Go around until all 32 cards have been read and answered.
We hope you find these games helpful. Comment below on other ways to use these cards and game.
Download the New Year’s Eve Games for Kids and Families HERE!
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