Summer Motivation for Kids FREE Printable
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Summer Motivation for Kids – FREE Punch Cards Printable
Yes, I know…summer motivation for kids is a stretch. especially when everyone in the house is ready for a break from all of the learning that happened during the school year. Learning is exhausting after all.
Unfortunately, the summer slide is real. The summer slide is when kids lose the progress that was made during the school year. An equivalent of 1 month of overall learning is lost after summer break.
So your job and my job is to keep the kiddos learning, but hiding it amid summer fun activities, excursions, and yes, reading. It is possible to eliminate the summer slide with a little thinking outside of the box so that our kids don’t really know that they are actually becoming smarter during the summer months.
Summer Motivation for Kids – Punch Cards
Punch cards are one way to make sure your kids get a well rounded summer. We don’t want them wasting away in front of the television or playing video games all summer, so I have created punch cards to help motivate them to do less brain numbing activities.
Ideas for using the Punch Cards
You can decide as a family what you will use as a reward for filling up the punch cards with hole punches.
Some rewards may include going to the movies, going to a local carnival, or going on a camp out.
Make as many copies of the punch cards as you want. Cut them out and put your child’s name on the cards. You can use them all or just the ones you need.
Then as your child does the job/chore/etc you can give them a whole punch. When all of the hole’s are punched, your kids get the pre designated reward. Here are some fun hole punches to use if you want to create fun punches.

Chores Punch Card: Get a hole punch for each chore completed.
Cleaning Punch Card: Get a hole punch for every 15 minutes of time spent cleaning.
Reading Punch Card: Get a hole punch for every 15 minutes of time spent reading.
Eat Right Punch Card: Get a hole punch for every healthy choice of food your child makes.
Way to Go Punch Card: This can be anything you choose.
Related Topics for Motivation for Kids and Fun Ideas:
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