August Bucket List FREE Printables

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August bucket list free printables

August is here, and it’s time to soak up the last rays of summer! Whether you’re looking to relax, explore, or try something new, an August bucket list is the perfect way to ensure you don’t miss out on any fun. From beach days and outdoor adventures to special events and unique experiences, there’s something for everyone. Let’s dive into the best activities and ideas to make your August unforgettable!

August Bucket List FREE Printables

Ready to make the most of the last stretch of summer? We’ve got you covered with our August Bucket List FREE Printables, designed for families, kids, and teens! These lists are packed with fun, creative, and memorable activities to help you squeeze every last drop of joy out of the season.

From outdoor adventures to crafty DIY projects, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re looking to bond as a family, keep the kids entertained, or give teens some exciting challenges, our bucket lists are your go-to guide for a summer to remember. Download them now and let the adventures begin! Download them at the bottom of this page!

We’ve included blank August Bucket Lists so you can also decide if you want to choose your own adventures!


32 Staycation Ideas for Families and Couples

17 Fun Things to do at Home

Beach and Water Activities

umbrella on a beach

Ah, family beach days—nothing beats the feeling of sand between your toes and the sound of waves crashing in the background. I’ve always been a big fan of the beach, and it’s become a staple in our summer bucket list. As a mom of four, planning a beach day can feel like orchestrating a small army, but it’s always worth it.

Enjoy a Family Beach Day with Sandcastle Contests and Beach Games

One of your new favorite traditions may be having a sandcastle contest. It could start as a simple way to keep the kids busy, but become it’s a full-blown competition!

You can split into teams, and each team gets a section of the beach. It’s incredible to see how creative the kids can get with just a bucket, a shovel, and some wet sand. One year, my son decided to make a sand dinosaur, complete with seashell eyes and a seaweed tail. It was pretty impressive, though it looked more like a dragon by the end. But that’s the fun of it—seeing what everyone comes up with and just enjoying the process.

Pro tip: bring along some small flags, toy animals, or beach-themed decorations to add to the sand creations. It’s those little details that make the castles come alive.

And if you want to take it up a notch, set up a judging panel. We usually recruit a couple of bystanders or other beachgoers to be the judges. It adds a fun twist and a bit of friendly competition. Don’t forget to snap pictures—these moments are priceless!

Besides sandcastle building, we also love playing beach games. Frisbee, beach volleyball, and even a good old-fashioned game of tag can turn a regular beach day into a fun-filled adventure. One game we’ve recently discovered is called “Beach Ball Relay.”

It’s super simple: you draw a start and finish line in the sand, and each person has to roll a beach ball from start to finish using only their heads. It sounds silly, and it is, but that’s what makes it hilarious!

Try Water Sports like Kayaking, Paddleboarding, or Jet Skiing

mom and kids in a canoe

If you’re looking to spice things up, water sports are the way to go. I’ve always loved the water, but I was a bit hesitant when we decided to try kayaking for the first time. I wasn’t sure how the kids would handle it, especially since balance isn’t always their strong suit.

But, we went for it anyway, renting a couple of tandem kayaks. It was an adventure from the get-go—let’s just say that steering isn’t as easy as it looks! My daughter and I ended up going in circles for the first ten minutes, much to the amusement of everyone else.

Once we got the hang of it, though, kayaking was a blast. It’s such a peaceful way to explore the coastline and get up close to marine life. We even spotted a couple of dolphins! If you’re trying this with kids, make sure they wear life jackets and are comfortable in the water. Safety first, always.

Paddleboarding is another favorite, especially for those who love a good challenge. Balancing on the board takes some practice, but once you get it, it’s incredibly rewarding. It’s also a fantastic workout, engaging your core muscles like nothing else. And if you’re lucky enough to paddle in calm waters, it’s a great way to relax and enjoy the scenery.

For the thrill-seekers, jet skiing is a must-try. The first time we went jet skiing, I was terrified. But the adrenaline rush was incredible! Just make sure to follow all safety guidelines and start slow, especially if it’s your first time. It’s an exhilarating way to experience the ocean, and the kids will love the speed and splash.


32 Staycation Ideas for Families and Couples

Organize a Beach Cleanup and Give Back to the Environment

One thing that’s always bothered me about beach trips is the amount of trash we often see. So, last summer, we decided to organize a mini beach cleanup as part of our day out. It was a fantastic way to teach the kids about environmental responsibility and make a positive impact. We brought along gloves, trash bags, and even a pair of grabbers to pick up litter.

I was surprised at how much the kids got into it. They turned it into a game, racing to see who could collect the most trash. It was eye-opening for them—and for us—to see just how much waste ends up on the beach. We found everything from plastic bottles to abandoned beach toys. By the end of the cleanup, we had several bags full of trash, and the beach looked so much better.

Organizing a beach cleanup doesn’t have to be a massive event. Even just picking up trash during your visit makes a difference. Plus, it’s a great way to bond as a family and teach valuable lessons about caring for our planet. It’s also a good opportunity to discuss the importance of reducing waste and recycling.

So, next time you head to the beach, consider adding a cleanup to your agenda. It’s a small gesture that can have a big impact. And who knows? It might just inspire others around you to do the same.

Outdoor Adventures and Nature

family camping roasting hot dogs

I’ve always believed that nature is the best playground. Growing up, my parents would take us camping, and those trips are some of my fondest memories. Fast forward to today, as a mom of four and a former preschool teacher, I still find that the great outdoors has a magical way of teaching and inspiring. My current role as an educator working with special needs young adults has only deepened my appreciation for the therapeutic and educational benefits of nature

Go Hiking on a New Trail and Connect with Nature

Hiking is one of those activities that never gets old. Every trail offers a unique experience, and there’s something truly magical about being surrounded by nature. As a mom of four, finding a trail that’s suitable for everyone can be a challenge. I remember one summer when we decided to try a new trail that was touted as “family-friendly.” It turned out to be a bit more challenging than expected—let’s just say the kids got an unplanned workout! But the views at the top were absolutely worth it, and it became one of our favorite hikes.

When hiking with kids, it’s important to prepare for the unexpected. We always pack plenty of water, snacks, and a basic first aid kit. One of the best things I’ve learned is to keep the kids engaged by turning the hike into a scavenger hunt. We make a list of things to find, like a certain type of leaf, a cool rock, or even a specific bird. It keeps them excited and makes the journey more interactive. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to teach them about the environment!

Another tip is to dress in layers and wear good shoes. I once made the mistake of wearing my regular sneakers instead of proper hiking shoes, and I paid for it with sore feet and a near-slip on a muddy patch. Hiking boots or sturdy sneakers with good grip are a must. And don’t forget the bug spray! There’s nothing worse than being halfway through a beautiful hike and realizing you’re a walking buffet for mosquitoes.

One of the most rewarding parts of hiking is reaching a viewpoint or summit. It’s a great moment to pause, take in the scenery, and maybe snap a few family photos. We’ve even started a tradition of bringing a small snack to enjoy at the top—usually something special like trail mix with chocolate pieces or fruit. It’s a small reward that the kids look forward to and makes the experience feel even more special.

Plan a Camping Trip, Complete with Stargazing and Campfire Stories

family looking through a telescope

Camping is like stepping into a different world, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s an opportunity to unplug, relax, and enjoy quality time with family. Our first camping trip as a family was a bit of a disaster—we forgot half the tent poles and ended up sleeping under the stars, literally. But we learned a lot from that experience, and now we’re seasoned campers.

One of my favorite parts of camping is stargazing. There’s something humbling about looking up at a sky full of stars, far away from city lights. We always bring along a star chart or use a stargazing app to identify constellations. The kids love spotting the Big Dipper or Orion, and it’s a great way to sneak in a bit of astronomy. Plus, there’s the fun of making up our own constellations. One night, we “discovered” a constellation that looked like a dragon—imagination is key!

Campfire stories are another must-have. We usually start with some classic ghost stories, but the best ones are the ones we make up on the spot. Each person adds a sentence to the story, and it can get pretty wild. I remember one story that ended with a magical unicorn saving a village from a giant spaghetti monster. The kids were in stitches! And of course, no camping trip is complete without s’mores. Pro tip: try adding a slice of banana or a piece of peanut butter cup for a delicious twist.

If you’re new to camping, start simple. Pick a campground with basic amenities and try a one or two-night trip. It’s a great way to ease into the experience without feeling overwhelmed. And always check the weather forecast—one rainy night without proper gear can turn an adventure into a soggy nightmare. Trust me, I’ve been there!

Explore a Local Park or Botanical Garden and Enjoy a Picnic

botanical gardens

Local parks and botanical gardens are hidden gems, perfect for a low-key day out. They offer a chance to explore nature without venturing too far from home. We love visiting our local botanical garden—it’s like stepping into a different world, with plants and flowers from all over. The kids have a blast running around, and I enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Plus, it’s a great place to take some family photos.

Planning a picnic is one of my favorite parts of visiting a park or garden. There’s something so delightful about spreading out a blanket and enjoying a meal outdoors. We like to keep it simple with sandwiches, fruit, and some treats. I always pack extra snacks because, well, kids are like bottomless pits when they’re outside! A cooler with some cold drinks is also a must, especially on hot days.

One thing we’ve learned is to bring along a few games or activities. A frisbee, a deck of cards, or even a simple nature scavenger hunt can keep everyone entertained. Last time, we brought along a kite and spent a good hour trying to get it up in the air. It was a bit of a comedy show—who knew flying a kite could be so tricky? But once we got it soaring, it was pure joy.

Exploring the botanical garden itself is always a highlight. We make a game of finding the most unusual plant or the biggest flower. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to teach the kids about different plant species. The garden often has informational plaques, so we turn it into a mini educational tour. The kids love learning new facts, like how some plants can survive in deserts or how others attract specific insects for pollination.

And don’t forget to bring a camera! The vibrant colors and unique plant shapes make for beautiful photos. Plus, it’s a great way to document your adventure. We’ve made a tradition of taking a family photo at the same spot every time we visit, and it’s fun to look back and see how much the kids have grown.

Cultural Events and Festivals

music performed by a band

There’s something about music festivals and outdoor concerts that just screams summer fun. The energy of live music, the crowd’s buzz, and the thrill of discovering new artists—it’s an experience like no other. I remember taking my kids to a local music festival a few years ago, and it was an absolute blast. They danced, sang along, and even got to meet one of the bands. It was one of those perfect days you wish you could bottle up and save for a rainy day.

Attend a Local Music Festival or Outdoor Concert

If you’re planning to attend a music festival with kids, preparation is key. First things first: pack essentials like sunscreen, hats, and plenty of water. Festivals can be hot and crowded, and the last thing you want is a sunburned, dehydrated child. We also bring a picnic blanket to sit on—it’s a lifesaver when you need a break from standing or dancing. And don’t forget ear protection, especially for younger kids. Those speakers can be LOUD, and earplugs or noise-canceling headphones can make a huge difference.

One of the best parts of a music festival is exploring the food stalls. I still remember the incredible gourmet grilled cheese we had at one event—so good that my kids still talk about it! It’s also a great chance to try something new. We once stumbled upon a vendor selling Korean BBQ tacos, and they were a huge hit. I love that festivals often bring in local food vendors, giving you a taste of the area’s culinary scene.

Of course, festivals are about more than just music and food. They’re a cultural experience. It’s fascinating to see how different artists express themselves and to be part of a community that shares your love of music. Whether you’re into indie bands, rock, or even classical music, there’s usually something for everyone. And if you’re lucky, you might catch a memorable moment, like that time an artist invited all the kids on stage for a sing-along. It was chaotic but so heartwarming!

Experience a Food Festival and Try New Cuisines

3 women eating food

Food festivals are my absolute favorite way to spend a weekend. There’s something magical about walking through rows of stalls, each offering a different culinary delight. Whether you’re a foodie or just looking for a fun day out, food festivals are a feast for the senses. I remember attending our first food festival—it was like stepping into a different world, filled with the aromas of exotic spices and the sizzling sounds of food cooking. We tried everything from funnel cake to deep fried Twinkies, and the kids had a blast sampling new dishes.

One thing I’ve learned is to pace yourself. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the delicious options, and you don’t want to fill up at the first stall you see. We usually do a walk-through first to see what’s available and make a mental note of must-try items. Then, we start with small portions or share dishes so we can try more things. It’s also a good idea to have a budget in mind—those little bites can add up quickly!

Food festivals are also a great opportunity to learn about different cultures. We’ve had the chance to chat with vendors about their traditional dishes and even pick up a few cooking tips. I still use a trick I learned from a festival chef for making perfect crispy samosas at home. It’s like a mini culinary school, and the kids love hearing the stories behind the food. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to introduce them to new flavors and ingredients. They’ve become more adventurous eaters, which is a win in my book.

Another tip: wear comfortable shoes and bring a bag for any goodies you might want to take home. We’ve discovered amazing artisanal products, like locally-made jams and spices, that we couldn’t resist buying. And don’t forget to check out the cooking demos or live entertainment. We once watched a chef do a live cooking demo, and it was both entertaining and educational. The kids were mesmerized by the knife skills and the flames from the stovetop!


Farmer’s Market Scavenger Hunt FREE Printables

Visit an Art Fair or Cultural Event in Your Area

family august bucket list printable

Art fairs and cultural events are a wonderful way to explore the creative side of your community. They’re like a treasure trove of inspiration, showcasing everything from paintings and sculptures to crafts and performances. Our local art fair is a yearly tradition for us. We love strolling through the stalls, chatting with artists, and discovering unique pieces. It’s amazing how a simple walk through an art fair can spark creativity and lead to great conversations with the kids about art and self-expression.

If you’re attending an art fair with kids, it helps to engage them with interactive activities. Many fairs offer workshops or craft areas where kids can create their own art. We once spent an afternoon at a booth where the kids could paint their own ceramic tiles. It was a hit, and they proudly displayed their masterpieces at home. It’s also fun to encourage them to ask the artists questions about their work. It’s like a live art class, and the artists are usually more than happy to share their process and inspiration.

Another highlight of these events is the opportunity to see performances. From live music and dance to theater and spoken word, there’s often a rich variety of cultural expressions. We’ve seen everything from traditional dance performances to modern street art demonstrations. It’s a fantastic way to expose the kids to different art forms and cultures. One year, we watched a mesmerizing puppet show that had everyone, including the adults, captivated.

Visiting an art fair also supports local artists and artisans. It’s a great feeling to purchase something handmade and know you’re supporting someone’s passion and livelihood. We’ve collected a few beautiful pieces over the years, including a stunning watercolor painting and a hand-carved wooden bowl. Each piece has a story, and it’s a joy to share those stories with friends and family who visit our home.

Creative and DIY Projects

two girls making stuffed animals

There’s something magical about getting your hands dirty with a fun DIY craft project, especially when it involves vibrant colors and a bit of creativity.

Create DIY Crafts like Tie-Dye Shirts or Summer-Themed Art

One of our favorite summer activities is tie-dyeing shirts. It’s a messy, delightful process that never fails to surprise with its results. My kids love picking out their favorite colors and deciding on the patterns—spirals, stripes, or even random splotches. The unpredictability of how the shirts will turn out is half the fun!

If you’re new to tie-dye, don’t worry—it’s easier than it looks. We started with a basic tie-dye kit, which includes all the dyes, rubber bands, and gloves you’ll need. Trust me, you’ll want those gloves unless you enjoy walking around with rainbow-stained hands for a week! A tip we learned the hard way: pre-soak your shirts in a soda ash solution before dyeing. It helps the colors pop and stay vibrant after washing. Also, try to dye in an area that’s easy to clean up, like a backyard or garage. Dye tends to have a mind of its own, and you don’t want it everywhere.

Another fun project we love is creating summer-themed art. This can be as simple or elaborate as you like. One year, we made a series of beach-inspired canvases. We used real sand, seashells, and paint to create textured pieces that remind us of our favorite beach trips. It was a fantastic way to bring a bit of the ocean into our home. Plus, it was a great sensory activity for my younger kids. They loved feeling the different textures and deciding where each shell should go.

Of course, not every project goes as planned. We once attempted to make DIY wind chimes using old keys and beads. Let’s just say, our “melodic” wind chimes sounded more like a chaotic clatter. But that’s part of the joy of DIY—sometimes things don’t work out, and that’s okay. It’s all about experimenting, having fun, and making memories along the way. If you’re looking for ideas, Pinterest is a goldmine of inspiration. Just remember to keep things light and not stress about perfection. After all, the imperfections often make the best stories!

Start a Scrapbook to Document Your Summer Memories

scrapbook supplies

Scrapbooking is one of those timeless hobbies that brings out the storyteller in all of us. It’s not just about sticking photos on pages; it’s about capturing moments, emotions, and stories that make each summer unique.

If you’re new to scrapbooking, start simple. You don’t need fancy tools or a ton of supplies. A good-quality scrapbook, some colorful paper, scissors, glue, and a few pens are all you really need to get started.

My kids love adding their own personal touches, like drawings or little notes about their favorite parts of the trip. It’s so fun to see their personalities shine through in the pages. And don’t worry if you’re not a super crafty person—there are no rules in scrapbooking. It’s all about creating something that’s meaningful to you and your family.

One year, we decided to theme our scrapbook around “firsts”—the first time our youngest tried ice cream, our first family road trip, and even the first time we went camping together. It was hilarious to look back and see how much everyone had changed, especially the kids.

Another year, we focused on “unexpected adventures,” like the time our picnic was invaded by ants or when we got caught in a sudden rainstorm during a hike. Those pages are filled with laughter and silly faces, reminding us that sometimes the best memories are the ones you don’t plan.

Scrapbooking is also a fantastic way to teach kids about organization and storytelling. My older kids love organizing the photos and deciding on the layout, while the younger ones enjoy adding stickers and decorations. It’s a great way to spend quality time together, away from screens.

And in the end, you have a beautiful keepsake to look back on. We often pull out our scrapbooks on rainy days or during the holidays, and it’s like opening a treasure chest of memories. It’s a tradition I hope my kids will carry on with their own families someday.

Try a Cooking Challenge with Seasonal Ingredients

August Bucket List for Kids Printable

Summer is the perfect time to experiment in the kitchen, especially with all the fresh, seasonal produce available. We love taking on cooking challenges as a family, and one of our favorites is the “Seasonal Ingredient Challenge.” The rules are simple: pick a seasonal ingredient, and everyone has to come up with a dish featuring that ingredient. It’s a fun way to get creative, try new recipes, and enjoy the flavors of the season.

One summer, we chose zucchini as our star ingredient. It’s abundant (we grow them in our garden every year)and versatile. We ended up with an impressive spread: zucchini fritters, stuffed zucchini boats, and even a chocolate zucchini cake.

The kids were so proud of their creations, and it was a great way to sneak in some veggies. Plus, it was a learning experience. We talked about how zucchini grows, its nutritional benefits, and different ways to cook it. It was like a mini cooking class at home!

Another time, we focused on berries—strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. We made everything from berry smoothies to a berry crisp. The highlight was definitely our homemade berry jam. It was surprisingly easy and tasted so much better than store-bought.

Plus, we had a blast picking the berries ourselves at a local farm. It turned into a whole day adventure, complete with a picnic and a lot of berry-stained fingers. A tip: if you’re making jam, don’t skip the pectin. We learned the hard way that it’s essential for getting that perfect set.

The cooking challenge isn’t just about making delicious food; it’s about the experience. We’ve had plenty of kitchen mishaps—like the time we tried to make homemade pasta and ended up with a sticky, flour-covered mess. But those moments are part of the fun and the learning process. They’ve also led to some great family inside jokes. And who knows, you might even discover a new favorite recipe or cooking technique.

Trying a cooking challenge with seasonal ingredients is a fantastic way to bond as a family and explore new foods. It’s also a great opportunity to teach kids about the importance of eating fresh, local produce. So next time you’re at the farmer’s market, pick up something you’ve never cooked with before and see what you can create. You might just surprise yourself with your culinary skills!

Special Days and Holidays in August

august calendar, pencils, scissors, lock etc.

There seems to be a holiday every day of the year, and August is no exception. We have hand picked our favorites. Give them a try!

Celebrate National Ice Cream Day with a Homemade Sundae Bar

National Ice Cream Day is practically a holiday in our house. I mean, who doesn’t love a reason to indulge in ice cream, right? One of our favorite traditions is setting up a homemade sundae bar. It’s a simple yet fun way to bring the family together and let everyone’s creativity run wild with their dessert creations.

We usually start by picking out a few different flavors of ice cream. The more variety, the better! Classic vanilla and chocolate are must-haves, but we like to throw in something a bit more adventurous too—think salted caramel or a fruity sorbet. Then comes the fun part: the toppings. We lay out an assortment of goodies like chocolate chips, sprinkles, crushed cookies, and fresh fruit. And let’s not forget the whipped cream, hot fudge, and cherries on top!

A tip I’ve learned over the years: pre-scoop the ice cream and freeze the scoops on a baking sheet. This way, they’re easy to serve, and you avoid the struggle of trying to scoop rock-hard ice cream. Trust me, it’s a lifesaver, especially when you’ve got a crowd of impatient kids waiting to dig in. We also like to add some homemade elements, like a quick batch of caramel sauce or even some candied nuts. It adds a special touch and makes the sundaes feel extra fancy.

One year, we decided to make it a competition—who could create the most outrageous sundae? The results were hilarious and delicious. We had everything from a “Chocolate Overload” sundae, piled high with every chocolate topping imaginable, to a “Tropical Paradise” creation with coconut flakes, pineapple, and a dash of lime zest. The kids loved it, and it was a great way to spend a hot summer afternoon.

Of course, not every sundae turns out perfectly. There was the time we attempted to make homemade waffle bowls and ended up with a sticky mess. But those are the moments that make the day memorable. We laughed, cleaned up, and settled for store-bought bowls, vowing to try again next year. Celebrating National Ice Cream Day with a homemade sundae bar is more than just eating delicious treats—it’s about making memories and having a blast with the family. And hey, if you happen to eat your body weight in ice cream, well, it’s all part of the fun!

Enjoy National Relaxation Day with a Spa Day at Home

girl in a hammack

National Relaxation Day is the perfect excuse to unwind and pamper yourself. As a mom of four and an educator, I know how rare and precious those moments of relaxation can be. So, we’ve made it a tradition to have a spa day at home. It’s a great way to de-stress and spend quality time together, without breaking the bank.

We usually start our spa day with some soothing music and dim the lights. Creating a relaxing atmosphere is key. Then, we move on to DIY facials. My daughters and I love experimenting with different masks—clay masks for deep cleaning or hydrating masks when our skin feels a bit dry. One of our favorite recipes is a simple honey and oatmeal mask. It’s gentle, moisturizing, and perfect for all skin types. Plus, it smells delicious! For the guys, we keep it simple with a refreshing cucumber mask. It’s a fun way to get everyone involved, even if the boys are a bit hesitant at first.

Next up, we indulge in some mani-pedis. We’ve collected quite the assortment of nail polishes over the years, so there’s always a fun color to choose from. It’s a bit of a bonding ritual for us, and we often end up chatting and laughing the whole time. A little tip: soak your feet in warm water with some Epsom salts before starting your pedicure. It’s relaxing and helps soften the skin, making the whole process feel more like a real spa experience.

Of course, no spa day is complete without some relaxation rituals. We like to do a bit of gentle yoga or stretching. It’s a great way to release tension and get in the right headspace for the day. We also take turns giving each other hand and foot massages. It’s simple but incredibly relaxing. And don’t forget the importance of hydration—sipping on herbal tea or infused water throughout the day keeps us feeling refreshed and pampered.

One year, we even made DIY bath bombs. It was a fun project, and they turned out surprisingly well. We used essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus, which are known for their calming properties. Dropping one into a warm bath at the end of the day felt like the perfect way to cap off our home spa experience. Celebrating National Relaxation Day with a spa day at home is a wonderful way to recharge and connect with loved ones. It’s all about taking the time to care for yourself and each other, and making the most of those little moments of tranquility.

Participate in National Watermelon Day with Creative Watermelon Recipes

August Bucket List for Teens

Who knew that watermelon could be celebrated with its own special day? National Watermelon Day is one of those quirky holidays that we love to get behind. It’s the perfect excuse to enjoy this delicious, hydrating fruit and experiment with some creative recipes. Watermelon is a staple in our household during the summer, and it’s always fun to find new ways to enjoy it.

One of our go-to recipes is a simple watermelon salad. It’s refreshing and perfect for hot days. We combine chunks of juicy watermelon with feta cheese, fresh mint, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze. The sweet and savory combination is a total crowd-pleaser. The kids were skeptical at first—feta cheese with watermelon? But after one bite, they were hooked. A tip: use a melon baller for fun, uniform pieces, and to make the salad look extra fancy.

Another fun recipe we’ve tried is watermelon pizza. It’s a fun twist on fruit salad and super easy to make. Just slice a watermelon into thick rounds, then top with your favorite fruits and a drizzle of yogurt or honey. We like to use berries, kiwi, and a sprinkle of shredded coconut. It’s colorful, healthy, and a great way to get the kids to eat more fruit. Plus, it’s so easy that they can help with the preparation. It’s become a favorite summer treat, especially during family gatherings or barbecues.

And then there’s watermelon juice. It’s as simple as blending fresh watermelon chunks and straining the juice, but the result is so refreshing. We sometimes add a splash of lime juice or a few mint leaves for an extra kick. One year, we decided to get creative and make watermelon slushies. It was a hit! Just blend the watermelon with ice and a bit of sweetener if needed. It’s the perfect drink for cooling down on a hot day.

But not every watermelon experiment is a success. We once tried making watermelon jerky—yes, that’s a thing! Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned. The texture was off, and the flavor wasn’t what we expected. But hey, that’s the fun of trying new recipes. Sometimes you hit a home run, and sometimes you don’t. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process.

Participating in National Watermelon Day is a great way to celebrate summer’s bounty and get creative in the kitchen. Whether you’re making a simple salad, a fun dessert, or a refreshing drink, watermelon is a versatile and delicious ingredient. So, grab a melon and start experimenting—you might just discover your new favorite summer recipe!

Family and Friends Fun

families have a picnic

Host a Backyard Movie Night with Popcorn and Blankets

There’s something magical about watching a movie under the stars, and hosting a backyard movie night is a great way to create that experience for your family and friends. We’ve done it a few times, and it’s always a hit. The best part? It doesn’t require a lot of effort or fancy equipment. A simple projector and a white sheet can turn your backyard into an outdoor cinema.

The key to a successful backyard movie night is preparation. We usually start by picking a movie that everyone will enjoy. Family-friendly classics like “The Sandlot” or “Finding Nemo” are great choices. Once the movie is chosen, we set up the viewing area. If you don’t have a screen, a white sheet or a light-colored wall works just as well. One year, we improvised with a large piece of plywood painted white—DIY to the rescue!

Now, onto the snacks. No movie night is complete without popcorn. We like to set up a little popcorn bar with different seasonings and toppings. Think cheddar cheese, caramel, or even a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. It’s a fun way for everyone to customize their snack. And, of course, we can’t forget the blankets and pillows. They not only make the setup cozy but also keep everyone warm if the night gets chilly.

One thing we learned the hard way is to check the weather beforehand. We had one movie night where a sudden wind picked up, and we ended up chasing blankets and popcorn bags all over the yard. Since then, we always make sure to have a backup plan, like moving the event indoors if needed. It’s also a good idea to keep some bug spray handy—nothing ruins a good movie faster than a swarm of mosquitoes.

Another fun element to add is themed decorations or activities. For example, if you’re watching a superhero movie, you could set up a craft station where the kids can make their own superhero masks. It adds an extra layer of fun and keeps everyone entertained while waiting for the movie to start. We’ve done this with other themes, too, like a pirate night with treasure maps and a sing-along for musicals.

Hosting a backyard movie night is all about creating a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere. It’s a great way to spend quality time with loved ones and make lasting memories. Plus, it’s an affordable alternative to going out to the movies, especially if you have a big family. So grab some blankets, pop some popcorn, and enjoy a night under the stars!


Mom and Daughter Date Ideas

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Organize a Family Game Night with Board Games or Outdoor Activities

family playing jenga

Family game night is a tradition in our house, and it’s always a blast. There’s nothing quite like the friendly competition, the laughter, and sometimes the hilariously over-the-top reactions to a win or loss. Whether we’re playing board games indoors or enjoying some outdoor activities, it’s a great way to bond and have fun together.

Choosing the right games is crucial. For board games, we love classics like “Monopoly” and “Clue,” but we also try to mix things up with newer games like “Catan” or “Ticket to Ride.” The key is to pick games that everyone can enjoy, regardless of age. We’ve had some epic “Uno” tournaments that got surprisingly intense. It’s also fun to have a mix of games that involve strategy and some that are more about luck, so everyone has a chance to shine.

For outdoor activities, we like to keep it simple. Games like cornhole, frisbee, or a good old-fashioned scavenger hunt are always hits. One summer, we set up a DIY obstacle course in the backyard. It was a blast, though there were a few tumbles and a lot of grass stains. We even included some water challenges, like carrying a cup of water on a spoon, which added a refreshing twist on a hot day. The best part was watching the kids—and the adults—get a bit competitive and silly.

One thing we’ve learned is to keep the game night relatively short. It’s easy to get carried away, especially when everyone’s having fun, but ending on a high note keeps everyone excited for the next one. We usually set a time limit or a certain number of rounds for each game. This also helps avoid any meltdowns or overtired grumpiness, especially with the younger kids.

Snacks are also an essential part of game night. We like to have a mix of healthy options, like veggie sticks and hummus, alongside some treats like chips and dip. And don’t forget the drinks! Having a variety of options, from water to a special punch, keeps everyone refreshed and happy.

One of our favorite parts of game night is creating silly prizes for the winners. It’s usually something small, like a homemade certificate or a little trophy. But it’s the thought that counts, and it adds an extra layer of fun to the evening. We’ve even had a “loser’s prize” for the person who came in last, which always gets a laugh.

Family game night is more than just playing games; it’s about spending quality time together, building memories, and enjoying each other’s company. Whether you’re strategizing your way to victory in a board game or laughing through a backyard obstacle course, the important thing is to have fun and enjoy the moment.


47 Super Fun Game Night Ideas

19 Epic Outdoor Game Night Ideas

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Plan a Road Trip to a Nearby Town or Attraction

long road leading to mountain range

There’s something undeniably exciting about packing up the car and hitting the open road, even if it’s just for a short trip to a nearby town or attraction. Road trips have always been a big part of our family adventures, and they’re a great way to explore new places without the hassle of flights or long travel times. Plus, they offer the perfect opportunity for impromptu sing-alongs and roadside snack breaks!

Planning is key to a successful road trip. We usually start by picking a destination that has something for everyone. It might be a quaint little town with charming shops and cafes, a state park with hiking trails, or even a quirky roadside attraction we’ve heard about. The important thing is that it’s new and exciting for the whole family. We once visited a town known for its giant statues of random objects—think a huge rocking chair and the world’s largest ball of twine. It was quirky, but the kids loved it!

One of the best parts of a road trip is the journey itself. We like to make the drive part of the adventure by planning a few stops along the way. Whether it’s a scenic overlook, a cool diner, or a unique museum, these stops break up the trip and make it more enjoyable. One time, we stumbled upon a small museum dedicated to vintage toys, and it ended up being a highlight of the trip. These little detours often create the most memorable moments.

Of course, road trips also come with their challenges. Keeping everyone entertained and comfortable can be a bit tricky, especially on longer drives. We’ve learned to pack a “car kit” with essentials like snacks, water, a first-aid kit, and plenty of entertainment options. Audiobooks are a lifesaver—there’s nothing like a good story to keep everyone engaged. And of course, we always have a playlist ready with everyone’s favorite tunes. Singing along to oldies or the latest pop hits is practically a tradition.

We also make sure to pack a picnic lunch. It’s a great way to save money and gives us the flexibility to stop and eat whenever we find a nice spot. One of our favorite memories is having a picnic by a beautiful lake we found by chance. The kids played by the water while we enjoyed our sandwiches and the stunning view. It was a perfect, unexpected break in our journey.

Another tip: always check the weather and be prepared for anything. We once set out on a sunny day only to be caught in a sudden downpour. It turned into an adventure, but having raincoats and an umbrella on hand definitely helped. It’s all part of the unpredictability of road trips, and embracing the unexpected is half the fun.

Planning a road trip to a nearby town or attraction is a fantastic way to break the routine and discover new places. Whether it’s a day trip or a weekend getaway, it’s about the journey, the shared experiences, and the memories you create along the way. So pack your bags, hit the road, and see where the adventure takes you!


Road Trip Printable Games for Kids

Conclusion of August Bucket List FREE Printables

August bucket list free printables

As summer winds down, it’s the perfect time to make the most of the season’s last days. Whether you’re relaxing at the beach, exploring the outdoors, or enjoying special events, this August bucket list has something for everyone. So gather your friends and family, and start checking off these fun activities! Remember, it’s all about creating unforgettable memories and cherishing the moments. Ready to make your August amazing? Let’s go!

FAQ for August Bucket List FREE Printables

1. Q: How do I use the August Bucket List printables?
A: Simply download the list that fits your family, kids, or teens, and pick an activity to try! Hang it up where everyone can see and check off activities as you complete them. It’s a fun way to keep everyone engaged and excited.

2. Q: What kind of activities are included in the bucket lists?
A: The lists feature a mix of outdoor adventures, creative crafts, and simple joys like making homemade ice cream. There’s something for everyone, from nature walks to DIY art projects, making summer fun accessible and varied.

3. Q: Can the activities be done on a budget?
A: Absolutely! Many activities require little to no money, like stargazing or having a picnic. The lists are designed with affordability in mind, so you can enjoy summer fun without breaking the bank.

4. Q: Are the printables suitable for all ages?
A: Yes, we’ve tailored the printables for different age groups—families, kids, and teens. Each list includes age-appropriate activities that are engaging and enjoyable, ensuring everyone has a great time.

5. Q: How can we make the most out of the bucket lists?
A: Involve everyone in picking activities and set aside specific days to complete them. It’s a great way to bond and create lasting memories. Take photos and journal your experiences to look back on the fun!


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